CHAMPS is grateful and honored to be part of a strong community of caring and competent individuals and organizations dedicated to serving the underserved.

In February of 1985, CHAMPS was founded to unite Region VIII health centers in an advocacy and mutual support network of community-based providers of primary care and related services for underserved communities in the Mountain and Plains states (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY). CHAMPS celebrated our 35th Anniversary throughout 2020, and we invite you to explore the items below to learn more about CHAMPS history, leadership, and membership.

Please click or scroll down for:
Honoring Our Leaders and Partners
CHAMPS Timeline
CHAMPS Highlights Infographic
CHAMPS Membership Milestones Flyer
CHAMPS Word Cloud
MPCN 30th Anniversary E-Card
Looking to the Future


Countless individuals and organizations have been instrumental in the success of CHAMPS, contributing their talents, wisdom, resources, and vision to enable CHAMPS to serve Region VIII for over three decades. CHAMPS staff celebrates and honors all who have supported and guided CHAMPS over the years.

We especially want to thank and acknowledge the leadership of CHAMPS: CHAMPS’ amazing and dedicated Executive Committee who is an integral part of CHAMPS’ success; the CHAMPS Board of Directors who have gifted CHAMPS with their commitment and passion, and the Mountain/Plains Clinical Network (MPCN) Steering Committee who ensure the voice of providers is heard. We also extend an enormous amount of gratitude to CHAMPS Organizational Members and Individual Members, who have been steadfast and generous.

Recognition is also due to CHAMPS’ wonderful partners: our fabulous federal partners at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC), the Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW), and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA); our superb State Primary Care Association (PCA) partners in Region VIII as well as our marvelous Regional PCA partner Northwest Regional Primary Care Association (NWRPCA); our invaluable national partner the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC); our terrific training partner Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center (RMPHTC); our outstanding National Health Center Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAPs); and the many other organizations that collaborate with CHAMPS to provide services to and resources for Region VIII health centers and beyond.


Click HERE to view the interactive CHAMPS 35th Anniversary Timeline.


Click HERE to view the 35th Anniversary Infographic.


By sifting through years of Organizational Membership archives, CHAMPS has created a membership history dating back to January of 1993. We extend sincere appreciation to our member health centers and State Primary Care Associations for their belief in the value of a regional association. From our founders to our newest Newly Funded and Look-Alike members, we celebrate you and thank you for your continued support of CHAMPS and your steadfast commitment to our mission and programs.

Click HERE for the CHAMPS Membership Milestones Flyer.


The CHAMPS 35th Anniversary Word Cloud was created with words and phrases collected throughout the year from CHAMPS members, partners, and friends about the value of a regional association and what CHAMPS means to them.


In 1990, a group of Region VIII clinicians established the Mountain/Plains Clinical Network (MPCN), a program of CHAMPS. Happy 30th Anniversary MPCN!

Click HERE for the MPCN 30th Anniversary E-Card.


Over the next 35 years, CHAMPS will continue to strengthen the Region VIII health center network by offering innovative education and training for health center staff at all levels, providing effective networking opportunities, supporting workforce development, and promoting best practices in staff recruitment and retention. CHAMPS will also advocate for the health care needs of special populations and work to ensure Mountain/Plains states issues are brought to the forefront of regional and national decision-making.

CHAMPS members recognize that they will always gain more when they work collectively, and to that end, CHAMPS remains committed to ensuring the health of all individuals who reside in the Mountain/Plains states. CHAMPS will continue to develop, expand, and advocate for services and resources that build a stronger health center network in Region VIII; be it education and training, workforce development, or advocacy, CHAMPS will strive to offer services and programs that equally serve large and small, rural and urban health centers, and all in-between. Indeed, CHAMPS is made stronger by the diversity of its membership.

As CHAMPS celebrates 35 years of service to Region VIII,
we honor 
member health centers and SPCAs for their
support of and belief in the value of a regional association.