CHAMPS 2024-2025 Organizational Membership Year: April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025

Community Health Association of Mountain/Plains States, your Regional Primary Care Association, is dedicated to supporting the Community Health Centers of Region VIII, in partnership with our State Primary Care Associations (SPCAs), so you can better serve your patients and communities. Your organization provides vital services to the underserved populations of Region VIII, and CHAMPS strives to do the same for each of the Region’s health centers and SPCAs. Organizational Membership in CHAMPS provides free or discounted access to outstanding professional development opportunities and publications, as well as valuable connections to health center colleagues and other support organizations regionally and nationally. We are all so fortunate to be a part of an incredible state, regional, and national network – the Community Health Center Movement – that has over a half-century history of responsiveness and resilience. The work and mission of CHCs has never been more important than now and CHAMPS remains in steadfast support of Region VIII CHCs.

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CHAMPS Board Member Forms
CHAMPS Organizational Membership Benefits
CHAMPS Products, Activities, and Services


According to the CHAMPS Bylaws, each member health center shall designate two representatives, one administrative and one clinical, to serve on the CHAMPS Board of Directors. Each member State Primary Care Association shall designate two representatives to serve on the CHAMPS Board of Directors, these representatives shall be the Executive Director of the SPCA (or his/her designee) and a representative chosen by the Executive Director or the President of the SPCA.

The CHAMPS Standards of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Survey are components of a robust CHAMPS Corporate Compliance program, and are designed to provide safeguards preventing CHAMPS employees, agents, officers, and members of the Board of Directors from (1) using their positions for purposes that are or seem to be motivated by private financial or other gain, and, (2) from inappropriately disclosing confidential information about CHAMPS. Each must be completed, signed, and returned to CHAMPS annually.