The following compiled resources provide a variety of useful services, tools, and products for CHCs regarding Boards of Directors.

Blue Avocado
Board of Directors articles for Nonprofit Boards
Board Management

Consulting services, workshops, and online board resources

Article addressing what effective board performance looks like and how nonprofit boards can become more effective
Becoming a More Effective Nonprofit Board

Colorado Community Health Network (CCHN)
Board work plan tool to plan oversight responsibilities plus links to additional governance-related resources
Governance – CHC Resource Page

Colorado Secretary of State
eLearning course that addresses different aspects of being a board member
Nonprofit Board Member Course

CompassPoint Nonprofit Services
Consulting services, workshops, articles, case studies, etc.
Board Café Newsletter Archives

Creating the Future
Nonprofit resources including online newsletter, training, and library
Nonprofit resources including database of nonprofit organizations

Health Center Resource Clearinghouse
Health Center Governance Resources

Independent Sector
Leadership forum for the charitable community

Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 1023 – Application for Recognition of Exemption Consulting
Document addressing a board’s need for a variety of activities to ensure successful absorption of training topics
Why Board Training or Team Building Alone Seldom Restores Boards

Michigan State University Libraries
Nonprofit directories and other websites providing advice and information about running nonprofits
Grants and Related Resources Nonprofit Virtual Library

National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
Geographic Expansion: A Guide for Health Center Boards (English and Spanish)
Service Line Expansion: A Guide for Health Center Boards (English and Spanish)
Sliding Fee Discount Program
eLearning Module: Sliding Fee Discount Program: The Fundamentals for Health Center Boards
eLearning Module: Tips for Health Center Boards for Evaluating the Sliding Fee Discount Program
Becoming a Teaching Health Center: Tips for Health Center Boards (English and Spanish)
eLearning Module: Tops for Boards on Health Center Workforce Challenges and Opportunities
Tips for Boards on Health Center Workforce Challenges and Opportunities (English and Spanish)
Additional Topics
Clinical Issues and Health Center Boards: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Care
eLearning Module: Four Fundamentals of Value-Based Payment for Health Center Boards
eLearning Module: Pharmacy Modules, an Introduction for Health Center Boards
Resources and Upcoming Events: Health Center Governance
So You Want to Start a Health Center?
Funded! Now What?

National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) and National LGBT Health Education Center
Addressing the Needs of LGBT People in Community Health Centers: What the Governing Board Needs to Know

Rural Health Value
Four-page tip sheet for holding value-based care discussions as part of strategic planning and performance measurement.
Engaging Your Board and Community in Value-Based Care Conversations