CHAMPS has compiled these online resources to help Region VIII health centers support patients with opioid use disorders. The tools, documents, and data sources listed below have been carefully selected for their quality and relevance to health center staff and patients.
If you utilize a clinical resource appropriate for health center clinicians that is not listed on this webpage, please contact the CHAMPS Clinical Quality Improvement Director.
For additional information on topics related to substance use disorders, please see:
- CHAMPS Behavioral Health Resources
- CHAMPS Chronic Pain Treatment Resources
- CHAMPS Substance Use Disorder Resources
- CHAMPS Tobacco Cessation Resources
Please click or scroll down for:
Articles and Reports
Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines
Data Resources
Patient Resources
Provider Resources
Webcasts and Multimedia Presentations
Other Online Resources
American Journal of Public Health
Article estimating short- and long-term health outcomes of various policies to mitigate the opioid epidemic. (Humphreys and Brandeau, 2018)
Modeling Health Benefits and Harms of Public Policy Responses to the U.S. Opioid Epidemic
Annals of Internal Medicine
A study found that nearly half of the cohort studied received opioids in the inpatient setting and that patterns related to timing and duration of inpatient opioid administration were independently associated with an increased likelihood of outpatient use up to one year post-discharge. (Donohue et al, 2019)
Patterns of Opioid Administration Among Opioid-Naive Inpatients and Associations With Postdischarge Opioid Use: A Cohort Study
British Medical Journal (BMJ)
Systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies comparing the risk of mortality in people with opioid dependence during and after substitution treatment with methadone or buprenorphine. (Sordo et al, 2017)
Mortality risk during and after opioid substitution treatment
California Health Care Foundation (CHCF)
Report with a comprehensive look at the 42 CFR Part 2 regulations, including how to determine whether they apply to a health center and/or its providers. It also discusses steps that FQHCs can take to effectively coordinate Substance Use Disorder (SUD) care while complying with 42 CFR. (2018)
Overcoming Data-Sharing Challenges in the Opioid Epidemic
Brief overview of the opioid crisis, including answers to common questions, resources for first responders, plans and templates, and other useful resources. (2019)
Opioids: Frequently Asked Questions
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vital Signs
A report which examines trends and characteristics of naloxone dispensing from retail pharmacies at the national and county levels in the U.S. (2019)
Pharmacy-Based Naloxone Dispensing: United States, 2012-2018
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Report describing the factors HHS indicated as affecting its decision to declare and renew the public health emergency for the opioid crisis, and the public health emergency authorities the federal government has used to address the opioid crisis. (2018)
Opioid Crisis: Status of Public Health Emergency Authorities
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Report detailing HRSA’s evidence-based home visiting services for at-risk pregnant women and parents with young children who are struggling with opioid use. (2018)
HRSA’s Home Visiting Program: Supporting Families Impacted by Opioid Use and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Issue brief describing health centers’ central role on the front lines of the opioid epidemic, with key findings from the 2018 survey of health centers. (2018)
The Role of Community Health Centers in Addressing the Opioid Epidemic
Issue brief detailing the ways that the SUPPORT Act of 2018 altered Medicaid provisions related to opioid treatment. (2018)
Federal Legislation to Address the Opioid Crisis: Medicaid Provisions in the SUPPORT Act
Issue brief presenting findings and key implementation strategies from an analysis of Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) programs providing buprenorphine-based medication-assisted treatment to treat opioid use disorder. (2019)
Addressing the Opioid Crisis: Medication-Assisted Treatment at Health Care for the Homeless Programs
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
The report overviews evidence-informed solutions to addressing the opioid epidemic and promoting high-quality care to those with pain. (2017)
The Opioid Epidemic: From Evidence to Impact
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Open Networks
A cross-section study examines opioid prescribing for opioid-naive patients with pain diagnoses as associated with increases as the workday progresses and with appointments that start late. Non-opioid pain treatment orders did not show similar patterns. (Neprash and Barnett, 2019)
Association of Primary Care Clinic Appointment Time with Opioid Prescribing
A study found that counties with low availability of opioid use disorder (OUD) medication providers and high rates of opioid overdose mortality were less likely to be micropolitan and have lower primary care clinician density, but were more likely to be in the East North Central, South Atlantic, or Mountain division. (Haffajee et al, 2019)
Characteristics of U.S. Counties With High Opioid Overdose Mortality and Low Capacity to Deliver Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics
A study found that high school students in Los Angeles who used nonmedical prescription opioids were more likely to use heroin than those who did not use prescription opioids illicitly over the four-year study period. (Kelley-Quon et al, 2019)
Association of Nonmedical Prescription Opioid Use With Subsequent Heroin Use Initiation in Adolescents
Journal of Infectious Diseases
An article highlighting the unique and complementary roles that the infectious diseases and substance use disorder communities can play in addressing the dual public health crisis of opioid use disorder and infectious diseases. (Schwetz, 2019)
Opioids and Infectious Diseases: A Converging Public Health Crisis
Milbank Memorial Fund
A case study-based report exploring the phenomenon of adolescents becoming addicted to opioids at home by trying a family member’s prescription and the importance of providing medication-assisted treatment in primary care settings with integrated behavioral health services. (2019)
How Community Health Centers Are Addressing the Opioid Epidemic
National Academy of Medicine (NAM)
For each identified population, this manuscript reviews why that group is an important area of focus, current barriers encountered in accessing care, promising approaches in supporting this population, and high-impact research and action priorities. (2020)
The American Opioid Epidemic in Special Populations: Five Examples
The publication offers clinicians a set of axioms applicable both to responsible, appropriate opioid prescribing practices and to the recognition and treatment of other substance use disorders. (2017)
First, Do No Harm: Marshaling Clinician Leadership to Counter the Opioid Epidemic
National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM)
Recommends two frameworks—an analytic framework and an evidence evaluation framework—that medical professional societies, health care organizations, and state, national, and local agencies could use to develop CPGs for prescribing opioids to manage acute pain. (2019)
Framing Opioid Prescribing Guidelines for Acute Pain: Developing the Evidence
The publication briefly summarizes the presentations and discussions from a workshop to explore the syndemic model and three syndemics/co-occurring epidemics. This includes 1) opioid use disorder (OUD), violence, suicide, and mental health in the United States, 2) adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and childhood trauma; adult violence and victimization; and health outcomes from a global perspective, and 3) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and violence. (2019)
Interpersonal Violence Syndemics and Co-Occurring Epidemics: Preventing Violence in the Context of Opioid Misuse, Suicide, Social Disparities, and HIV: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief
Findings of an expert committee that examined the evidence base for medications to treat OUD and to identify barriers that prevent people from accessing safe, effective, medication-based treatment. (2019)
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Save Lives
Proceedings of a public workshop hosted by the Roundtable on Quality Care for People with Serious Illness to discuss the impact of unintended consequences of responses to the opioid use disorder epidemic on people who use opioids appropriately to address the pain related to their serious illness, and on the clinicians who treat them. (2019)
Pain Management for People with Serious Illness in the Context of the Opioid Use Disorder Epidemic: Proceedings of a Workshop
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Summarizes findings from a study published in February 2019 suggesting that the long-acting buprenorphine formulation BUP-XR, a monthly extended-release injection, is more effective than placebo in helping patients struggling with addiction to opioids. (2019)
Monthly Buprenorphine Injections Effective for Opioid Use Disorders
National Nurse-Led Care Consortium
An issue brief for health center providers on the intersection of tobacco use disorder and opioid use disorder including the benefits of addressing both simultaneously as well as promising tools, resources, and treatment options.
The Intersection of Tobacco and Opioid Use Disorder: A Guide for Health Center Providers
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
Article describing the links between suicide and overdoses, with a focus on pathways through opioid use, issues of intent, risk factors, prevention strategies, and unresolved issues. (Bonhert and Ilgen, 2019)
Understanding Links among Opioid Use, Overdose, and Suicide
Article describing the effects of Medication Assisted Treatment on patients with substance use disorders. (Volkow et al, 2014)
Medication-Assisted Therapies – Tackling the Opioid Overdose Epidemic
Office of the Surgeon General
Compilation of reports, resources, and treatment locators out of the Surgeon General’s Office.
Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Spotlight on Opioids
Office on Women’s Health (OWH), HHS
Report detailing prevention and treatment issues specific to opioid use disorder in women. (2017)
Final Report: Opioid Use, Misuse, and Overdose in Women
Pain Physician
Open access journal article, housed on PubMed, detailing results of the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. (2012)
Opioid Epidemic in the United States
Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support Learning Network
Action plan containing strategies and interventions that deliver support for patients with pain and those using opioids in ways that enhance patient activation, education and engagement, and collaborative decisions and actions between patients and their care teams. (2019)
A Stakeholder-driven Action Plan for Improving Pain Management, Opioid Use, and Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Through Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support
An open-access article reviewing the development of the current opioid addiction treatment system examines shortfalls regarding youth-specific needs and proposes suggestions for addressing the current crisis while simultaneously preparing to address future epidemics of addiction by enabling pediatricians to better manage substance use disorders in primary care. (Levy, 2019)
Youth and the Opioid Epidemic
Rand Corporation
Review of 37 scientific studies to answer the question: What are the effects of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder (OUD) on functional outcomes such as cognitive, physical, occupational, socio-behavioral, and neurological function? (2018)
Effects of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder on Functional Outcomes: A Systematic Review
Final report of a study examining the role of community health centers in addressing the connections between the opioid epidemic and infectious disease transmission. (2019)
Identifying Safety-Net Resources at Health Centers to Prevent Infectious Disease Transmission Resulting from the Opioid Epidemic
State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC)
Issue brief examining national trends in opioid-related overdose deaths from 2000 to 2017. (Hest, Planalp, and Lahr, 2019)
The Opioid Epidemic: National Trends in Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths from 2000 to 2017
Issue brief examining state trends in opioid-related overdose deaths from 2000 to 2017. (Hest, Planalp, and Lahr, 2019)
The Opioid Epidemic: State Trends in Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths from 2000 to 2017
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
A news release detailing the updates to the SAMHSA 42 CFR Part 2 Revised Rule. (2020)
Fact Sheet: SAMHSA 42 CFR Part 2 Revised Rule
News release detailing the updates to the SAMHSA 42 CFR Part 2 Revised Rule including how the adoption of this revised rule represents a historic step in expanding care coordination and quality. (2020)
Health Privacy Rule 42 CFR Part 2 is Revised, Modernizing Care Coordination for Americans Seeking Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
United Hospital Fund
Report detailing the effects of the opioid epidemic on newborns, young children, adolescents, and their families, as well as on kinship caregivers like grandparents; potential remedies to the crisis; and the ramifications of the crisis on foster care systems and in terms of future behavioral and psychological issues. (2019)
The Ripple Effect: The Impact of the Opioid Epidemic on Children and Families
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Infographic on HHS initiatives to address the opioid crisis. (2019)
Combating the Opioids Crisis
A comprehensive outline of HHS’s five-point strategy to address the opioid crisis, including videos and downloadable resources. (2017)
Five-Point Strategy to Combat the Opioid Crisis
A fact sheet containing opioid epidemic prevalence numbers. (2019)
The Opioid Epidemic By the Numbers
Overview of HHS opioid strategies, pain and medication resources, prevention, treatment and recovery, and overdose response resources. (2017)
Opioids: The Prescription Drugs and Heroin Overdose Epidemic
U.S. Senate
Line-by-line, reader-friendly interpretive summary of the Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018.
The Opioid Crisis Response Act
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
Committee opinion providing clinical guidelines related to opioid use during pregnancy. (2017)
Opioid Use and Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
This focused update is intended to inform and empower clinicians, health system administrators, criminal justice system administrators, and policymakers who are interested in implementing evidence-based practices to improve outcomes for individuals with OUD. (2020)
National Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
A publication providing recommendations about the appropriate prescribing of prescription opioids and other treatment options to improve pain management and patient safety, as well as related clinical tools, posters, patient materials, videos, and more. (2016)
CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain
Guidebook with 11 evidence-based strategies for public health, law enforcement, and community organizers for preventing opioid overdoses. (2018)
Evidence-Based Strategies for Preventing Opioid Overdose: What’s Working in the United States
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Resources on opioid misuse prevention and treatment, as well as data resources, videos, and tools for both payers and healthcare providers.
Reducing Opioid Misuse
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
An interactive web application that allows users to explore data related to the opioid epidemic. The tool combines locations of MOUD services, opioid and drug overdose death data, OIG analysis, and drive-time analysis for identifying potential gaps.
Behavioral Health–Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Viewer
Provides more resources for clinicians to help patients achieve the dual goals of effective pain management and reduction in the risk for addiction. (2019)
Guide for Clinicians on the Appropriate Dosage Reduction or Discontinuation of Long-Term Opioid Analgesics
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Toolkit designed to help rural communities conduct population estimations to assess community needs and measure the effects of public health strategies, particularly as related to the opioid crisis.
Applying Population Estimation Methods in Rural America
Massachusetts Health Officers Association
Toolkit with explanations, case examples, and resources for responding to the opioid epidemic through local public health organized by the ten essential services. (2019)
Essential Measures: A Local Public Health Toolkit for Addressing the Opioid Epidemic
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM)
Results of a review of the evidence base on Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder. (2018)
Medication-Assisted Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder: Proceedings of a Workshop – in Brief
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Website of NIH’s trans-agency effort to speed scientific solutions to stem the national opioid public health crisis.
Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative
National Interoperability Collaborative
Publication derived from the growing number of efforts by practitioners, researchers, and policy-makers around the country to “get upstream” of the opioid crisis. (2019)
The Opioid Use Disorder Prevention Playbook
Rural Health Research Gateway
Provider-derived strategies and best practices for overcoming common barriers to incorporating medication-assisted treatment into their practices. (2018)
Overcoming Barriers to Prescribing Buprenorphine for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder: Recommendations from Rural Physicians
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Focuses on using medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder in jails and prisons and during the reentry process when justice-involved persons return to the community. (2019)
Use of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Criminal Justice Settings
Urban Institute
Overview of strategies to prevent and treat adolescent opioid use disorders at the community level. (2018)
Evidence-Based Interventions for Adolescent Opioid Use Disorder
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Prospective panel data on opioid use in adolescents and risk of future misuse from the Monitoring the Future Study. (2015)
Prescription Opioid in Adolescence and Future Opioid Misuse
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Map showing states and counties at risk for increases in hepatitis infection or HIV outbreaks due to injection drug use.
Vulnerable Counties and Jurisdictions Experiencing or At-Risk of Outbreaks
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Interactive tools that show geographic comparisons of de-identified opioid prescriptions filled within the US, allow users to see both the number and percentage of opioid prescriptions in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Medicare and Medicaid Opioid Prescribing Mapping Tools
The Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR)
Interactive mapping website for exploring state, county, and congressional district-specific data on opioid, HIV, and health services indicators.
Opioid and Health Indicators Database
The Non-Partisan and Objective Research Organization (NORC) at the University of Chicago
Interactive mapping tool that allows overdose death data to be filtered by various categories including state, county, time frame, and socioeconomic groups.
Opioid Misuse Community Assessment Tool
Opioid Mapping Initiative
Provides a list of applications and open data sets that local health and law enforcement agencies have identified as important to addressing the opioid epidemic, as well as technical guidance, best practices, and related links.
Local Governments Working Together to Address the Epidemic with Data and Maps
Prescription Drug Abuse Policy System
Database and map providing state-level information on legislation related to naloxone distribution, training, and utilization.
Naloxone Overdose Prevention Laws
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Map and list of resources and initiatives underway in all 50 states to combat the opioid epidemic.
Opioid Misuse Resource Map
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Easy-to-read information about opioids, including preventing opioid misuse, managing pain expectations, alternative treatment options for chronic pain, and frequently asked questions.
Information for Patients
Intended to increase awareness that prescription opioids can be addictive and dangerous and to decrease the number of people who use opioids recreationally or overuse them.
Rx Awareness Campaign
The Network for Public Health Law
Policy brief detailing the role of state law in increasing access to Naloxone to reduce opioid overdose deaths, including an overview of existing laws by state and the public health evidence supporting these laws.
Legal Interventions to Reduce Overdose Mortality: Naloxone Access and Overdose Good Samaritan Laws
New Hampshire Harm Reduction Coalition
Fact sheet on how to reduce physical harms from injection drug use, including basic wound care principles.
Skin Care Guide for People Who Inject Drugs
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Website for helping to connect Americans throughout the United States who are looking for substance use disorder treatment.
Truth Initiative
A public-facing website with general facts, tips, and resources about the opioid epidemic.
The Truth About Opioids
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Partnership Center
A newly revised and updated toolkit offers practical suggestions to help your community support individuals and families struggling with opioid addiction. (2019)
The Opioid Epidemic Practical Toolkit: Helping Faith-Based and Community Leaders Bring Hope and Healing to Our Communities
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Free toolkit materials including videos, social media images and posts, fact sheets, and more to help patients talk with others about safe opioid disposal.
Remove the Risk
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
AHRQ Academy compilation of information and resources on the implementation of medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder in primary care settings.
Opioid Initiative Resources
AHRQ Academy practical guide for implementing Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) in primary care and other ambulatory care settings. (2019)
Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Playbook
AHRQ evidence-based quality improvement roadmap to help primary care teams implement effective care for chronic pain and long-term opioid therapy patients. (2018)
Six Building Blocks: A Team-Based Approach to Improving Opioid Management in Primary Care
American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM)
Score sheet to calculate an individual’s risk of overdose or opioid-induced respiratory distress, including indicators on health status, health behaviors, and current opioid prescriptions. (2015)
Risk Index for Overdose or Serious Opioid-Induced Respiratory Distress
Brandeis University
Comprehensive directory including a PDMP locator, information on PDMP policy and technology, and other PDMP-related resources.
State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Information
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Resource intended to help healthcare systems integrate guidelines related to opioid prescription guidelines into clinical practice and general operations. (2022)
Implementing the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain
Commentary in which authors of the Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain advise against misapplications that can risk patient health and safety. (2019)
CDC Advises Against Misapplication of the Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain
Overview of opioid class of drugs, prevalence data, and definitions of commonly used terms. (2017)
Opioid Basics
Designed to help providers apply the CDC’s Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain; the app includes a Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) calculator, summaries of key recommendations, and an interactive motivational interviewing feature.
Opioid Guideline Mobile App
A printable pocket guide designed to help providers taper chronic pain patients off of opioids.
Pocket Guide: Tapering Opioids for Chronic Pain
A fact sheet with basic information and statistics on the comprehensive services and benefits provided by a syringe service program. (2017)
Reducing Harm From Injection Drug Use & Opioid Use Disorder with Syringe Services Programs
Community Health Association of Mountain/Plains States (CHAMPS)
Additional CHAMPS Chronic Pain Treatment Resources.
Chronic Pain Treatment Resources
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Information and infographics highlighting key points about the intersection of the nation’s HIV and opioid epidemics. (2018)
HIV and the Opioid Epidemic: 5 Key Points
National Academy of Medicine (NAM)
Website of a two-year public-private partnership of more than 50 organizations that aims to discover and share evidence-based best practices in policy and health care to address the opioid crisis.
Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic
National Clinician Consultation Center (NCCC)
The National Clinician Consultation Center at the University of California, San Fransico, provides free and confidential peer-to-peer telephone consultation focusing on substance use evaluation and management for primary care clinicians through the Substance Use Warmline.
Substance Use Warmline
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
NIDA study compares buprenorphine/naloxone combination to extended-release naltrexone. (2017)
Opioid Treatment Drugs Have Similar Outcomes Once Patients Initiate Treatment
List of questions to ask patients to determine an opioid use disorder diagnosis. (2018)
Questions for Identification of Opioid Use Disorder based on DSM-5
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Compilation of resources intended to help workers, employers, and medical providers who care for workers as they face the opioid epidemic within their communities.
Opioids in the Workplace
National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center (OHRC)
Provides best practices for care on drugs to recommend before prescribing opioids and information about prescribing opioids with caution and being aware of the potential for misuse or abuse. (2019)
Opioids and Children and Adolescents: Information for Oral Health Professionals
Provides an overview of pain management for dental procedures for women of reproductive age and considerations for pregnant women, as well as guidelines for prescribing opioids, managing acute dental pain, and more.
Prescribing Opioids for Women of Reproductive Age: Information for Dentists
New England Journal of Medicine
Chart comparing the treatment class, effects, advantages, and disadvantages of three medications for MAT (methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone).
Characteristics of Medications for Opioid Addiction Treatment
New Hampshire Harm Reduction Coalition
Primer with suggestions for engaging with people who inject drugs to encourage harm reduction behaviors. (2017)
Have the Conversation: Caring for People Who Inject Drugs
Office of Women’s Health (OWH), HRSA
Toolkit that provides resources and information to bolster care coordination services for women with opioid use disorder.
Caring for Women with Opioid Use Disorder: A Toolkit for Organization Leaders and Providers
Free online overdose support tool that walks providers through the steps for responding to an overdose based on SAMHSA’s Opioid Overdose Toolkit.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Information about the Drug Addiction Treatment Act (DATA) of 2000 and the DATA (MAT) waiver process, including links to application waivers and fact sheets.
Buprenorphine Treatment Management
Treatment Improvement Protocol reviews the use of three FDA-approved medications used to treat opioid use disorder. (2018)
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Fact sheets specific to opioid use disorder treatment during pregnancy. (2018)
Healthy Pregnancy Healthy Baby Fact Sheets
This Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit is intended to equip healthcare providers, communities, and local governments with material to develop practices and policies to help prevent opioid-related overdoses and deaths. (2018)
Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit
These fact sheets are designed to increase awareness of the risks associated with prescription opioid use and misuse, as well as to educate patients who are prescribed opioids for pain about the risks and to provide resources on methods for alternative pain management. (2017)
Rx Pain Medications, Know the Options, Get the Facts
Guidance document regarding 42 CFR Part 2 and its implication for health centers. (2019)
When Does 42 CFR Part 2 Apply to SUD Services in Primary Care Settings?
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Resources to help address opioid use disorder in rural communities.
Opioid Misuse in Rural America
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Compilation of resources and information pertinent to the opioid crisis.
National Opioid Crisis
American Public Health Association (APHA) and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Interactive online training designed to help clinicians and public health officials understand safe and effective use of opioids to manage chronic pain. Continuing education credits are available for the one-hour course.
Pathways to Safer Opioid Use Training
Collaboration for Relevant Education (CO*RE)
Compilation of online clinical training opportunities on opioids and adolescent substance use CE and CME available for many modules; patient education and screening tools also available.
Federal Interagency Working Group
Video designed to help educate first responders in addressing fentanyl overdoses; intended to be used in conjunction with the Fentanyl Safety for First Responders set of training materials. (2018)
Fentanyl: The Real Deal
Health Information Technology, Evaluation, and Quality (HITEQ) Center
Recorded webinar and PowerPoint slides on promising and innovative practices for the use of health information technologies to enhance opioid use disorder treatment, including how various practices and tools such as electronic health record templates and prescription drug monitoring programs can be used to enhance services like medication-assisted treatment. (2019)
Using Health Information Technology to Enhance Opioid Use Disorder Treatment
Manatt Health
On-demand recorded webinar analyzing four states’ responses to the opioid epidemic in terms of substance use disorder treatment, pain management, and harm reduction. (2019)
Ending the Opioid Epidemic: Leading-Edge Responses and Next Steps
National Academy of Medicine (NAM)
Archived webinar from the Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic, which utilized experts in the field who discussed current guidance for opioid tapering, how it is applied in practice, and the strength of the evidence behind it. (2019)
Tapering Guidance for Opioids: Existing Best Practices and Evidence Standards
National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC)
Archived webinar featuring staff from two Healthcare for the Homeless programs that have implemented successful strategies to start and grow their MAT programs. (2019)
Medication-Assisted Treatment in the HCH Community: Strategies for Expanding Services
National Library of Medicine
Video reviewing when naloxone is used, how it is administered, and the way it works. (2019)
Naloxone Saves Lives
Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network (PTTC)
Archived webinar on upstream causes of opioid misuse and overdose. (2019)
Preventing Opioid Misuse and Opioid Overdose: Moving Upstream Recording
Webinar Slides
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP)
Interactive training promoting appropriate, safe, and effective use of opioids to manage chronic pain. (2018)
Pathways to Safer Opioid Use
Office of Minority Health (OMH), HHS
An archived webinar highlighting key facts and statistics about opioid misuse and mortality disparities that exist among racial and ethnic minority populations, as well as discussing principles, strategies, and best practices for preventing opioid misuse and the provider’s role in culturally and linguistically appropriate prevention efforts. (2019)
Advocating for Prevention in Communities of Color: The Role of Providers Amid the Opioid Crisis
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Learning module and slides presenting information on health information technology solutions that providers can use to address the opioid crisis. (2018)
Opioid Epidemic and Health IT (Section 4 of the Health IT Playbook)
Understanding the Value of Health IT: Educational Module for Behavioral Health Providers (Slides)
Project ECHO
Interactive tool to discover upcoming opioid-related ECHO learning community opportunities.
Opioid and Pain-related ECHOs
Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS)
Up-to-date information, including multiple series of free video modules, about medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorders using methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone.
Overview of Medication-Assisted Treatment
Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub)
A case study on mobile health units offering medication-assisted treatment in rural and underserved areas in Colorado. (2021)
Mobile Health Units for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
YouTube video recording of a webinar featuring a discussion among opioid misuse health literacy experts about effective prevention strategies, approaches, and resources to advance understanding and dialogue between older patients and their healthcare providers about opioid use. (2019)
Improving Opioid Misuse Prevention Literacy between Older Adults and Health Care Providers
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)
American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM)
American Chronic Pain Association
American Psychiatric Association (APA)
American Psychological Association (APA)
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
Community Health Association of Mountain/Plains States
Chronic Pain Resources
Substance Use Disorder Resources
Tobacco Cessation Resources
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Mountain Plains Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.Ralph Waldo Emerson