CHAMPS developed this listing of online resources to support Region VIII health centers in treating and supporting patients who suffer from substance use disorders and related conditions. An extensive search of online resources was conducted and the resources presented below are those deemed of the highest quality and usefulness for health centers.

If you utilize an evidence-based clinical resource appropriate for health center clinicians that is not listed on this webpage, please contact the CHAMPS Clinical Quality Improvement Director.

For additional information on topics related to substance use disorders, please see:

Please click or scroll down for:
Articles and Reports
Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines
Patient Resources
Provider Resources
Webcasts and Multimedia Presentations
Other Online Resources


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Report summarizing notable trends in substance use disorders, including statistics related to prescription rates, treatment outcomes, hospitalizations, mortality, and prevention efforts. (2019)
Annual Surveillance Report of Drug-Related Risks and Outcomes 

Mountain Plains Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network (MPATTC)
Provides findings from a study of primary care providers in Region VIII, who responded to the survey. Individual state information is also included for many items. (2019)
CHC Primary Care Providers’ Perceptions, Practices, and Training Needs in relation to Substance Use Disorders and Medication-Assisted Treatment in Region 8: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming 2019

National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP)
Brief which summarizes what steps states are taking to reduce workforce shortages and provides resources to help states develop new approaches to expanding their SUD workforce. (2019)
50-State Scan: How Medicaid Agencies Leverage Their Non-Licensed Substance Use Disorder Workforce

Issue brief which discusses strategies to address substance use disorders in re-entry populations. (2019)
Promising State Strategies to Improve Continuity of Substance Use Disorder Treatment Following Incarceration

Issue brief that highlights state strategies, such as developing a state Medicaid Opioid Strategy with a focus on pregnant and parenting women, and leveraging financial incentives, quality measures, waivers, and public-private partnerships to improve maternal and birth outcomes and curb state costs associated with SUD. (2019)
State Medicaid Strategies to Promote Early Identification and Treatment of Pregnant Women with Substance Use Disorder

National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC)
Edition of the Healing Hands publication highlighting commonly-used substances, critical issues that intersect with substance use and mental health in homeless populations, and strategies that providers can use to reduce the impact of stigma on patient treatment. (2019)
Non-Opioid Substance Use, Mental Health, & Homelessness

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
This framework was created to aid policymakers, communities, and key stakeholders in developing comprehensive, multi-system strategies that address the opioid crisis. (2023)
Opioid-Overdose Reduction Continuum of Care Approach

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) 
Fact Sheets regarding the effects of specific drugs, abuse, prevention, and treatment.
NIDA DrugFacts: Science-Based Facts on Drug Abuse and Addiction

Office of Disability, Aging, and Long-Term Care Policy
A study examining how higher-performing health plans improve initiation and subsequent engagement in SUD treatment. (2019)
Best Practices and Barriers to Engaging People with Substance Use Disorders in Treatment

The Partnership at
Statistics, harmful effects, and signs of inhalant abuse.
Inhalant Abuse Fact Sheet

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Series of reports and detailed data tables on drug use nationwide.
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)

Document to comprehensively outline harm reduction and its role within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The Framework provides a brief background on harm reduction in the U.S. and a roadmap of best practices, principles, and pillars that anyone can apply to their work. (2024)
Harm Reduction Framework

News release detailing the updates to the SAMHSA 42 CFR Part 2 Revised Rule including how the adoption of this revised rule represents a historic step in expanding care coordination and quality. (2020)
Health Privacy Rule 42 CFR Part 2 is Revised, Modernizing Care Coordination for Americans Seeking Treatment for Substance Use Disorders

TRACIE Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Information Gateway
A fact sheet outlining current guidance regarding the prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances during a disaster, associated challenges, and areas of opportunity for developing solutions and targeted planning. (2019)
Controlled Substances & Emergency Response Fact Sheet

Trust for America’s Health
Indicators of leading evidence-based policies and programs for teenagers. (2015)
Reducing Teen Substance Misuse: What Really Works

Issue brief that presents an analysis of multiple data sets for young adults ages 18-35 and arrives at a consistent main theme: alcohol, drugs, and suicide are having a profoundly negative impact on many young adults and their families. (2019)
Alcohol and Drug Misuse and Suicide in the Millenial Generation – A Devastating Impact

This report on 2022 data found that a decrease in the alcohol-induced mortality rate led to a slightly lower combined rate of all U.S. deaths due to substance misuse and suicide, but the long-term trend of such fatalities is still high. (2024)
Pain in the Nation 2024: The Epidemics of Alcohol, Drug, and Suicide Deaths

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Resource guide compiled by the Rural Opioid Federal Interagency Working Group to improve coordination of federal responses to substance use disorders in rural America. (2018)
Federal Resources for Rural Communities to Help Address Substance Use Disorders and Opioid Misuse

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Reports on addiction from the US Surgeon General.
Addiction and Substance Misuse Reports and Publications


American Academy of Pediatrics
Compilation of guidance documents for providers to use in reducing the harm of substance use.
Substance Use and Prevention

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Compilation of up-to-date science-based resources for health professionals on the consequences of drug use and addiction, and advances in pain management.
NIDAMED: Medical & Health Professionals

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) 
The Adverse Drug Event (ADE) Action Plan addresses a defined group of ADEs that are considered to be common, clinically significant, preventable, and measurable; resulting from high-priority drug classes; and occurring largely in high-risk populations. (2018)
ADE Action Plan

Rural Health Information Hub (RHIHub)
A toolkit containing evidence-based examples, promising models, program best practices, and resources to implement substance use prevention and treatment programs in rural communities.
Rural Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorder Toolkit


American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Overview of drug abuse among teenagers, including patient-friendly definitions, fact sheets, and videos
Substance Abuse Resource Center

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Online search engine allowing patients to identify the nearest Controlled Substance Public Disposal Location.
Controlled Substance Public Disposal Locations Search Utility

Facing Addiction
A how-to guide for convening local prevention programs, including organizing tools and information on improving local awareness and amplifying community support. (2017)
Community Convening Guide

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Easy-to-read lists of some options and special instructions for patients to consider when disposing of expired, unwanted, or unused medicines, including several printable infographics.
Disposal of Unused Medicines: What You Should Know

National Council for Mental Wellbeing
A webpage designed to provide facts and resources to have conversations with youth about cannabis.
Cannabis Resource Center

National Institute on Aging
Reader-friendly webpage with tips, tools, and questions older patients can use to help them communicate effectively with providers about their medications.
Taking Medicines Safely as You Age

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Materials for the public covering a wide range of alcohol-related topics in English and Spanish.
Pamphlets, Brochures, Fact Sheets, Posters

Free 16-page booklet that offers tools for assessing drinking patterns and cutting down on alcohol use.
Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol and Your Health

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) 
Materials developed to inform parents and teachers about the health effects and consequences of drug abuse and addiction.
Parents and Educators Page

National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens
Designed to help teens, teachers, and parents learn about substance use disorders among teenagers, including fact sheets, games, videos, and more.
NIDA for Teens

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Provides support and guidance to families struggling with their children’s substance use.
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids 

Rise Above Colorado
Drug abuse prevention organization empowers teens to lead a life free of drug abuse through education programs such as short films, murals, videos, and lessons for school teachers.
Rise Above

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Website for helping to connect Americans throughout the United States who are looking for substance use disorder treatment.

Guide for individuals seeking behavioral health treatment. (April 2018)
Finding Quality Treatment for Substance Use Disorders

Printable flyers for teens on substances including e-cigarettes, marijuana, opioids, steroids, inhalants, methamphetamines, and more.
Tips for Teens


Health Services and Resources Administration
Compilation of resources to assist health centers in integrating substance use disorder treatment services into primary care delivery.
Substance Use Disorders and Primary Care Integration

National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
Infographic on mitigating the strain treating patients with substance use disorder has on the workforce.
There Is No ‘I’ in Team: Taking Care of the Team that Cares for Patients with Substance Use Disorder

National Association of School Nurses (NASN)
This toolkit has resources to assist school nurses and other school leaders in evaluating and responding to the drug overdose crisis. It includes sample presentations about the drug overdose crisis, the value of a naloxone program in schools, and training for school staff on naloxone.
Naloxone Education for School Nurses Toolkit 

National Clinician Consultation Center (NCCC)
The National Clinician Consultation Center at the University of California, San Fransico, provides free and confidential peer-to-peer telephone consultation focusing on substance use evaluation and management for primary care clinicians through the Substance Use Warmline. 
Substance Use Warmline

National Council for Mental Wellbeing
This fact sheet for providers helps dispel myths about drug overdose and increases youth awareness around the presence and risk of xylazine and products laced with xylazine.
What You Need to Know About Youth and Xylazine

National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC)
Clinical resources on substance abuse and homelessness including treatment programs and relevant articles.
Substance Use Disorder Resources

Rural Health Resources 
A collection of resources related to alcohol use.
Alcohol Use Resources

A collection of resources related to illicit drug use.
Illicit Drug Use Resources

School-Based Health Alliance
Toolkit for adolescent substance use prevention that uses an innovative, evidence-based approach to addressing drug and alcohol use in adolescents.
Adolescent Substance Use Prevention in School-Based Health Centers Toolkit

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Toolkit for providers treating SUDs in older adults including tools such as a program coordinator’s guide, suggested curricula, and handouts.
Get Connected: Linking Older Adults with Resources on Medication, Alcohol, and Mental Health Resources

YouTube videos produced by SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technology related to opioid and substance misuse prevention topics.
Prevention Conversations

Review of research and best practices, such as common patterns of initial use among women and specific treatment issues and strategies.
Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the Specific Needs of Women

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, US Department of Defense
Clinical practice guidelines describing critical decision points in the management of substance use disorder and providing evidence-based recommendations for practitioners throughout the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs Health Care systems. (2015)
Management of Substance Use Disorders


Health Information Technology, Evaluation, and Quality (HITEQ) Center
Recorded webinar discussing the use of health information technologies to facilitate the workflow of providing SBIRT services; focus areas include coding and billing for SBIRT services, using health IT to enhance SBIRT screening, communication, data capture and documentation, clinical decision support, and information sharing and reporting. (2018)
Using Health Information Technology to Facilitate SBIRT Service Delivery in Health Centers

Resources for Integrated Care
Archived webinar discussing common SUDs among dually eligible older adults, identifying promising practices for screening, treatment, and care coordination, and demonstrating practical strategies for meeting the needs of older adults with SUDs. (2019)
Promising Practices For Meeting The Needs Of Dually Eligible Older Adults With Substance Use Disorders

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Archived National Prevention Week webinars and slides on best practices for preventing the use of substances including opioids, e-cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco among groups such as older adults, teenagers, and others. (2017-2019)
National Prevention Week Webinars


Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)

American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)

American Psychiatric Association (APA)

American Psychological Association (APA)

American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)

Chronic Pain Resources
Opioid Use Disorder Resources
Tobacco Cessation Resources 

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas (CHAD) SUD Resources

Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC)

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Program

Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration