For more information on special populations, go to the Homeless and Public Housing Resources Page, the Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers (MSFW) and their Families Resources Page, and the Spanish Language Resources Page.

Please click or scroll down for outreach and enrollment resources for:
American Indian/Alaska Native
Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers and their Families (MSFW)
People Living with HIV


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
CMS Division of Tribal Affairs webpage with outreach materials and resources to support health care providers and application assisters to enroll American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs)
Outreach & Education Resources

Website to order tribal products for outreach and enrollment
How to Order Tribal Products

Denver Indian Health and Family Services (DIHFS)
Printable consumer outreach flyer for Native Americans in Colorado
How does the Affordable Care Act Help American Indians & Alaskan Natives?

Printable checklist for enrolling Native Americans or Alaska Natives
Insurance Application Checklist

State Health Reform Assistance Network
Issue brief on assisting American Indians and Alaska Natives (March 2014)
Consumer Assistance Resource Guide: American Indians and Alaska Natives


National Association of Community Health Centers
Document that describes how to reach and engage the homeless population on the Affordable Care Act (December 2013)
Reach, Enroll and Engage: Health Reform is Here

National Health Care of the Homeless Council (NHCHC)
Page with all NHCHC outreach materials listed (updated continuously)
Outreach Resources

List of tips for building trust with homeless populations, as well as with individual clients (January 2014)
TIP SHEET: Strategies for Building Client Engagement

Quick guide which covers: definitions, principles, and roles of outreach; building networks and awareness through community outreach; the who, what, and where of client outreach; challenges and strategies of client outreach; the impact of Medicaid expansion on the homeless population; the who, what, and where of benefits enrollment; enrollment challenges and strategies; and professional development pertaining to outreach and enrollment work (January 2014)
Outreach and enrollment Quick Guide: Promising Strategies for Engaging the Homeless Population

Overview of the required changes to enrollment in all states, the additional options states can implement, resources that are available to states for enrollment assistance, examples of enrollment practices in an HCH setting, and recommendations for the HCH community to consider as enrollment activities are planned (May 2013)
Medicaid Enrollment & the ACA: Changes Coming to the HCH Community Policy Brief

Document describing best practices in engaging homeless populations for Medicaid enrollment
Medicaid Enrollment: Your Guide for Engaging People Experiencing Homelessness


California Primary Care Association (CPCA)
Checklist to help health centers prepare for the implementation of the Public Charge Rule (January 2020)
Prepare Your Health Center for Implementation of the Public Charge Rule Checklist

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)
Slide deck and summary of webinar for assisters (March 2014)
Assister Training Webinar on Helping Families that Include Immigrants

Centers for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
Fact sheet addressing changes in immigration policy and immigrant access to benefits (November 2019)
10 Facts About Access to Health Insurance for Immigrants and Their Families

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Information on health coverage for immigrants
Health Coverage for Immigrants

Information on the federal marketplace in other languages
Materials in Other Languages

Enroll America
Document that describes how millions of people in the U.S. speak a language other than English at home and the importance of creating outreach material that is clear and easy to read and understand (November 2013)
Translations that Hit the Mark

Document that describes best practices for writing and designing websites, applications, instructions, and marketing materials that are clear, easy to read and understand, and that make it easier for people to enroll (December 2011)
An Introduction to Health Literacy and Enrollment

Georgetown University Health Policy Institute
Recommendations to provide more effective enrollment services to families that include immigrants (February 2016)
Getting Enrollment Right for Immigrant Families
Guide to affordable coverage options for immigrant families, with options for different immigration statuses (June 2014)
10 Things Immigrant Families Need to Know About the Marketplace

List of immigration statuses that qualify for marketplace coverage
Immigration Status and the Marketplace

Information on eligibility details of the marketplace for immigrant families
What Do Immigrant Families Need to Know about the Marketplace?

Health Outreach Partners (HOP)
Booklet that contains ideas and resources for doing outreach in an anti-immigrant climate
Outreach in an Anti-Immigrant Climate

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Memo stating that ICE will not use the information provided on health insurance applications for immigration enforcement (October 2013)
Clarification of Existing Practices Related to Certain Health Care Information

National Council of La Raza
Document on how Latino communities would be impacted by a repeal of the ACA 
The Affordable Care Act and the Latino Community

National Immigration Law Center
Frequently asked questions on how the ACA will affect families made up of individuals with different citizenship or immigration statuses. (October 2022)
ACA & Mixed-Status Families

Document that explains definition of “lawfully present” for the purposes of the ACA and clarifies definitions of other types of immigrants (October 2022)
“Lawfully Present” Individuals Eligible under the Affordable Care Act


State-Specific Resources for Incarcerated People and Individuals in Pre-Release

State Department of Corrections website on community re-entry programs
Statewide Pre-Release and Community Re-Entry Programs

General information on pre-release programs in Montana

North Dakota
Information on pre-release and community re-entry programs in North Dakota. Pre-release programs will vary by corrections facility – select a facility from the drop-down menu to see current programs at individual locations
Adult Corrections

South Dakota
General information on the community transition program in South Dakota
Community Transition Program (CTP)

A state-wide database of resources, including re-entry programs for incarcerated folks nearing release from prison
211 Utah

Information on inmate education programs, including pre-release from the Utah Department of Corrections
Community Resources

Information on inmate education programs, including pre-release, from the Wyoming Department of Corrections

Idaho Department of Corrections
Workbook for currently incarcerated with information on identification, housing, employment, transportation, money management, health, relationships, restorative justice, and living under supervision.
Pre-Release Handbook

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Fact sheet to help assisters work with incarcerated or recently released consumers and their families to receive health care coverage
Incarcerated and Recently Released Consumers

Document on how corrections departments can make sure inmates and parolees learn about health coverage and get help applying
Ten Ways Corrections Systems Can Help Link Returning Offenders to Health Insurance

Illinois Office of the Governor
A resource guide for implementing the ACA for criminal justice personnel (January 2014)
A Culture of Coverage for Justice-Involved Adults

State Refor(u)m
Issue brief on ways states can connect youth in the juvenile justice system to Medicaid and CHIP (December 2013)
Facilitating Access to Health Care Coverage for Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website in Spanish

Univision Noticias
Spanish article on what the health care law means for Latino families (October 2013)
Lo Que la Ley del Cuidado de la Salud Significa para las Familias Latinas

Young Invincibles
Social media-ready, latinx-themed materials for Open Enrollment (December 2019)
Latinx Week of Action Materials


Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)
Report detailing what outreach strategies are most effective in reaching the LGBT community using case studies from across the country (June 2015)
Outreach and Enrollment for LGBT Individuals: Promising Practices from the Field

Community Catalyst
Document on cultural competency when targeting the LGBT population (January 2014)
Tried and True: LGBT Cultural Competency and Enrollment

Forward Together: Strong Families
A guide to help consumers elevate their healthcare needs, navigate new insurance options, and choose the best plans for them and their families
Where to Start, What to Ask: A Guide for LGBT People Choosing Health Care Plans
Information on same-sex couples and the marketplace
Married Same-Sex Couples and the Marketplace

National LGBT Health Education Center
Brief on how the ACA will benefit LGBT Americans (November 2013)
Optimizing LGBT Health Under the Affordable Care Act: Strategies for Health Centers

Out2Enroll is a collaborative effort from the Sellers Dorsey Foundation, the Center for American Progress, and the Federal Agencies Project to educate the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community about their options under the Affordable Care Act

Assister training to incorporate LGBT cultural competency and LGBT-specific enrollment issues.
Assister Training

Report identifying key lessons for LGBT outreach and enrollment learned during the initial open enrollment period from October 2013 to March 2014 (July 2014)
Key Lessons for LGBT Outreach and Enrollment Under the Affordable Care Act


Farmworker Justice
Printable brochures with areas to fill in plan information and FAQs on health insurance (August 2016)

FAQs on how the ACA affects farmworkers with temporary H-2A visas
The Affordable Care Act and H-2A Agricultural Workers: Frequently Asked Questions

Printable fact sheet to distribute to consumers with temporary H-2A visas
The Affordable Care Act and You: A Guide for H-2A Workers
Spanish version

An FAQ guide on how the ACA will affect taxes for farmworkers (March 2015)
The Affordable Care Act and Taxes: Frequently Asked Questions on How the ACA Affects Taxes for Farmworkers

Health Outreach Partners (HOP)
Reference manual that contains valuable information on outreach to farmworkers
Outreach Reference Manual


Kaiser Family Foundation
Meeting of HIV/AIDS stakeholders to explore opportunities for maximizing the beneficial impact of the ACA for people living with HIV and helping them navigate the transition to new health coverage (July 2013)
Helping People with HIV Navigate the Transition to ACA Coverage: Summary of a Roundtable Discussion

The Positively Healthy Coalition
A guide for individuals living with HIV to enroll in health insurance and access appropriate health care services
2018 ACA Enrollment Guide for People Living with HIV


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Information on the federal marketplace in other languages
Materials in Other Languages

Enroll America
Document that describes how millions of people in the U.S. speak a language other than English at home and the importance of creating outreach material that is clear and easy to read and understand (October 2012)
Translations that Hit the Mark

Information on the health insurance options for refugees under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Health Insurance for Refugees

Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking


The Administration for Children and Families
Free materials in English and Spanish to raise awareness of human trafficking at the community level.
Raising Awareness of Human Trafficking

Enroll America
Blog post on the experience and best practices of outreach and enrollment staff at a rural health center in Montana (November 2013)
Out on the Frontier-Relationships are Key to Rural Enrollment

Rural Assistance Center
Website with information on how to conduct rural outreach
Health Insurance Outreach and Enrollment

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 
Infographic explaining what parts of the ACA are beneficial for rural communities 
Getting Covered is Good for Rural America


To find more general resources on veterans, please visit the CHAMPS Veterans webpage.

Community Catalyst
Blog post on how veterans in New Jersey are working as enrollment assisters (December 2013)
Veterans Protected Our Country, Now They’re Promoting Our Health!
Information about veterans and the health insurance marketplace
What Do Military Veterans Need to Know about the Marketplace?

Information on staying on a parent’s plan until age 26
Can Children Stay on a Parent’s Plan Until Age 26?

Toolkit on outreach to college students
ACA 101: Health Insurance Marketplace Outreach and Enrollment Toolkit for Colleges, Universities, and Community Colleges

Enroll America
Toolkit to guide outreach to young people
Young American Engagement Toolkit

Pew Research and CommonHealth Action
Information on technology (particularly mobile device) usage among young adults of color and recommendations on how to integrate health information into that format (December 2012)
Exploring the Intersections of Health, Technology, and Equity among Young Adults and Communities of Color

Young Invincibles
Information on how to do outreach and enrollment to college students (June 2013)
Helping Students Understand Health Care Reform and Enroll in Health Insurance

Factsheets on how Millennials access and use their healthcare


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Guidance for assisting victims of domestic abuse (March 2014)
Victims of Domestic Abuse

Community Catalyst
Guide for enrolling people with substance use disorders (2016)
ACA Enrollment: Reaching People with Substance Use Disorders

Enroll America
Guide from Enroll America on performing culturally competent outreach and enrollment activities within the Muslim community (October 2015)
Muslim Faith Engagement Toolkit

Health Outreach Partners (HOP)
National Outreach Guidelines for Underserved Populations Executive Summary

National Disability Navigator
Document that outlines tips for assisting people with disabilities in enrolling in Marketplace coverage (February 2014)
Overview of Assisting People with Disabilities in the Marketplace

Information to help assisters answer questions about benefits and coverage through the Marketplace
Comparing Health Plans’ Benefits and Coverage Summaries

Fact sheet on answering questions about getting and using evidence of coverage documents
Getting and Using Health Plan Evidence of Coverage

Website that provides cross-disability information and support to enrollment specialists to ensure people with disabilities receive accurate information about the ACA
National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative

Information for assisters on rehabilitation and habilitation services and devices available through health insurance plans
Rehabilitation and Habilitation Services and Devices