Please click or scroll down for:
Fact sheets, check-lists, and documents
Websites and Tools
CHAMPS has created a suggested list of information to provide in a packet to share with Health Center clients after an outreach and enrollment appointment
Informational Packet to Share with Health Center Clients
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
Information for consumers on special enrollment periods
Special Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)
Reasons consumers should take a close look at the benefits of signing up for health insurance on or through their state-based marketplace (October 2019)
5 Good Reasons to Visit HealthCare.goveDuring Open Enrollment
Checklist for those working with brokers to enroll in health coverage (October 2019)
Checklist: Working With Brokers and Web-Based Brokers to Enroll in Health Coverage
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Document with links to available brochures, fact sheets, flyers, and postcards on the marketplace
Marketplace Products with Links
Fact sheet on how consumers should protect themselves against fraud while applying through the marketplaces
Protect Yourself from Fraud
Basic things for clients to consider as they shop for health plans
Things to Think About When Choosing a Health Plan
Description of what information CMS collects, why they collect it, and what they do with it
Website Privacy Policy
Consumer Reports
FAQs on what consumers need to know when filing a health insurance application and how to verify income later (January 2014)
Reporting Your Income When Buying Health Insurance on Your State’s Marketplace
Health Reform: Beyond the Basics
Worksheet that will help individuals add up their current monthly income and estimate their annual income for the following year (October 2020)
Income Calculation Worksheet
Worksheet that is designed to help people compare the details of up to four different plans side-by-side (October 2020)
Marketplace Plan Comparison Worksheet
Internal Revenue Service
Website with many different fact sheets on the ACA and how it affects taxes
Health Care Tax Tips
Information to help consumers understand how the ACA may affect their taxes
Tax Tips
Kaiser Family Foundation
Thorough list of questions about health reform that can easily be searched
Frequently Asked Questions
Series of one-page documents explaining how the ACA will affect different groups of people
Obamacare and You
National Health Law Program (NHeLP)
A fact sheet laying out the grounds for appeals and explains where individuals should go for assistance
Marketplace Casework, Complaints and Appeals
Oklahoma Primary Care Association
A form to help consumers identify and reset their username and password before their enrollment appointment
Username and password reset instructions
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Marketplace applications in 15 different languages
Application forms for families and individuals
Colorado Consumer Health Initiative
Website to help uninsured individuals and families, health care providers, and community organization locate the health care options and resources that are available for uninsured and underinsured Coloradans
Blue Guide Colorado
Website with links describing programs that help cover the cost of health care for different types of people in Colorado
Health Coverage Resources
Website that contains information about Colorado’s health insurance marketplace, using health insurance, and the ACA
Commonwealth Fund
Interactive cartoon that describes the basics of the health insurance exchanges
Interactive Navigator
Connect for Health Colorado
Website that allows consumers to calculate Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) with or without using last year’s tax return (can be used by anyone in the country)
Calculate Modified Adjusted Gross Income
Get Covered America
Tool that allows consumers to type in their zip code and find local enrollment assistance
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
A checklist to help consumers gather necessary information to apply for coverage
Marketplace Application Checklist
Website that answers many questions that people may have about the marketplace and enables them to make informed decisions before and during the enrollment process
Can I Appeal a Marketplace Decision?
Can I Keep My Child on My Insurance until Age 26?
Citizenship and Immigration Status Questions
Get Covered: A One-Page Guide to the Health Insurance Marketplace
Get Ready for the Marketplace
How do I Choose Marketplace Insurance?
How Do I Get an Exemption from the Fee for Not Having Health Coverage?
How Does the Healthcare Law Protect Me?
If I Applied for Coverage with a Paper Application or Over the Phone, What are My Next Steps?
Immigrant Document Types
Immigration Status Questions
What If I Have a Pre-Existing Health Condition?
What are My Preventative Care Benefits?
What Do Immigrant Families Need to Know About the Marketplace?
What If I Have a Marketplace Plan but I Will Be Eligible for Medicare Soon?
What If I Want to Change Marketplace Plans after I Enroll?
What If I’m Pregnant or Plan to Get Pregnant?
What If My Grandfathered Health Plan is Changed or Canceled?
How Do I Estimate My Expected Income when Applying for Marketplace Coverage?
Will I Qualify to Save on Monthly Premiums?
Site where you can enter a city or zip code and find resources for enrollment in that area
Find Local Help
Website to learn about how personal information is used in the marketplaces and what consumers’ rights are
How We Use Your Data
Kaiser Family Foundation
Calculates the government tax credit subsidy clients are eligible for – update with premiums for 2018 plans
Subsidy Calculator
Take Care Utah
Utah’s program that helps people match with enrollment assistance based on location
Take Care Utah
Value Penguin
Tool that allows users to compare marketplace health plans, premiums, subsidies, and benefits
Compare Affordable Care Act (ACA) Health Insurance Plan Tool
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Various videos on the federal marketplace
Multimedia on the Health Insurance Marketplace
Kaiser Family Foundation
Entertaining video that describes the changes in healthcare that will start in 2014 (July 2013)
Youtoons Get Ready for Obamacare Video
National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
Video that provides the basics about new insurance options under the ACA and how to find a local health center for more information (October 2013)
The Affordable Care Act and Your Community Health Center Video
Videos that are aimed at mobilizing young people to obtain health insurance coverage (December 2013)
Announcing the Winners of the Healthy Young America Video Contest
No man can become rich without himself enriching others.Andrew Carnegie