This webpage contains articles, guides, tools, and webinars to assist in recruiting a highly qualified, dedicated, and long-term workforce at your health center. Please contact the CHAMPS Programs Coordinator, Health Center Workforce if you have any questions about these materials or would like to share other useful resources you have found.
Also review Answers to Physician Recruitment Frequently Asked Questions and a Physician Recruitment Plan – Steps for Recruiting Success.
Please click or scroll down for:
Job Descriptions
Health Center and Nonprofit Job Boards
Additional Clinical Recruitment Resources
Additional Multi-Disciplinary Recruitment Resources
Community Health Association of Mountain/Plains States (CHAMPS)
Sample Job Descriptions
A collection of over 225 job descriptions for administrative and clinical health center positions.
Indeed for Employers
How to Write a Job Description
A free guide to writing job descriptions with over 150 sample job descriptions.
Template Lab
47 Job Description Templates & Examples
Free, downloadable Word and PDF templates to aid in formatting job descriptions.
Job Description Templates
Over 700 free clinical and administrative job description templates.
Please click or scroll down for:
Region VIII Primary Care Association (PCA) Job Boards
Other Job Boards
Association for Utah Community Health (AUCH)
Work at A Health Center
A free job bank for Utah health centers.
Colorado Community Health Network (CCHN)
Mission Driven Careers
A free job bank for Colorado health centers.
Community Health Association of Mountain/Plains States (CHAMPS)
Job Opportunities Bank (JOB)
JOB is a cost-free recruitment resource allowing Region VIII health centers and Primary Care Associations (PCAs) to advertise their career opportunities. This webpage also includes a link to sign-up for monthly emails sent with CHAMPS Organizational Members’ recently posted positions and the CHAMPS: Working at Health Centers in Region VIII video.
Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas (CHAD)
Job Bank
A job bank for North Dakota and South Dakota health center job openings.
Montana Primary Care Association (MPCA)
Montana Primary Care Workforce Job Bank
A free resource for MPCA members to post open health center jobs.
Wyoming Primary Care Association (WYPCA)
Job Board (coming soon)
Healthcare Job Bank
A free job bank for healthcare positions.
Exec Searches
Non-profit Jobs
A job board for non-profit, government, and educational organizations specifically focused on executive, mid-level, and fundraising positions. Posting fees apply.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Health Workforce Connector
National Health Service Corps (NHSC) and Nurse Corps online job bank, free for NHSC-approved sites. Includes option to register for virtual job fairs.
Hire Heroes USA
Job Board
A job board for recruiting military members, veterans and military spouses. Posting fees apply.
Job Board
A job board for nonprofit and government jobs and internships. Posting fees apply.
Impact Opportunity
Job Board
A job board for nonprofits and other mission-driven organizations. Posting fees apply.
National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
Health Center Job Board
NACHC job board for health centers, Primary Care Associations (PCAs), and Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs). Posting fees apply.
National Council of Nonprofits
Job Board
A job board specifically for non-profit organizations; posting fees apply. See below for Region VIII State Associations, for state-specific nonprofit job boards.
Colorado Nonprofit Association
Montana Nonprofit Association
North Dakota Association of Nonprofit Organizations
Utah Nonprofit Association
Wyoming Nonprofit Network
National Nonprofits
Job Board
A job board for nonprofits. Posting fees apply.
Get More Out of Your Interviews with Pre-Brief Meetings
A 2017 article explaining what pre-brief meetings are, why they are helpful, and how to conduct them.
Leadership IQ
The Biggest Mistake with Behavioral Interview Questions
A blog post discussing how to avoid leading questions when conducting behavioral interviews.
Solutions, Training, and Assistance for Recruitment and Retention (STAR2) Center
Behavioral Interviewing Webinar
A free 2016 webinar presented by Ann Hogan discussing how to conduct behavioral interviews.
The Balance Careers
Ask Right to Hire Right: Effective Interview Questions
A 2019 article that includes sample interview questions as well as tips for writing effective questions.
Tiva Healthcare
The Behavioral-Based Interview
A 2015 article outlining the benefits of behavioral interviewing. The article provides examples of useful types of questions to ask to determine desirable behaviors in a candidate.
Interview Questions
Free access to almost 400 sample interview questions including skill-based questions, questions based on specific positions, and more.
Provider Recruitment Resources
CareerMD offers several provider recruitment resources, including a bi-monthly job bulletin, virtual job fairs, and a candidate database.
Community Health Association of Mountain/Plains States (CHAMPS)
Physician Recruitment FAQ
Frequently asked questions about recruiting physicians answered.
Physician Recruitment Plan
A step-by-step guide to creating a physician recruitment plan.
National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
Clinical Workforce Recruitment
NACHC partners and programs for clinical recruitment.
Workforce Resources
NACHC resources for clinical recruitment including infographics, fact sheets, federal legislation and funding, FAQs, and more.
Solutions, Training, and Assistance for Recruitment and Retention (STAR2) Center
Designing Effective Benefits Packages to Attract and Recruit Providers Webinar
A recorded webinar presented by Wealth Solutions LLC in 2016 about how to attract and successfully recruit clinical providers in today’s competitive marketplace with the help of their template employment package.
Provider Recruitment and Retention Webinar
A recorded webinar presented by Ann Hogan in 2016 on Provider Recruitment and Retention.
Provider Recruitment and Retention Self-Assessment Tool
A free tool designed to assist your health center in identifying topics for further exploration. It includes questions about current provider vacancies, hiring practices, and your organizations use of best practices.
3RNet Resources
Recruitment resources including information on loan repayment, J1 Visas, Health Professions Shortage Areas (HPSAs), and more. See below for Region VIII state-based organizations providing recruitment resources in partnership with 3RNet.
Colorado Rural Health Center
Montana Hospital Association
North Dakota Center for Rural Health
South Dakota Office of Rural Health
Utah Center for Rural Health
Wyoming Health Resources Network
Community Health Association of Mountain/Plains States (CHAMPS)
CHC Advantages
A list of several benefits of working at a health center.
CHC-Related Federal and State Programs
A list of federal and state resources to assist with health center recruitment.
Resources for Healthcare Career Pathways
Six pages of resources that include program examples, tools, articles, academic studies, guides, and more related to health professions education and training (HP-ET) programs that prepare future health center workforce and/or support current staff advancement. These resources have been designed to help health centers and Primary Care Associations pursue healthcare career pathway programs in their communities.
Region VIII Health Center Preferred Pricing Program (PPP) for Employment Screening Services
Preferred pricing program (PPP) for employment screening services through ScreeningOne, allowing CHAMPS Organizational Member health centers access to a selection of employment screening services at discounts of approximately 30-35% off regular rates.
Region VIII Health Center Salary, Benefits, Turnover, and Vacancy Survey, Clinical Staffing, and Provider Productivity Reports
Biannual reports analyzing data for all identified clinical and non-clinical positions at participating Region VIII health centers, including information from large and small organizations from all Region VIII states in a variety of locations and serving diverse populations.
Understanding HPSAs and MUAs
An explanation of the federal Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs) designations.
How Recruiters Can Create a Predictable Candidate Pipeline
A downloadable e-book discussing how to establish, nurture, and grow a sustainable talent pipeline for your organization.
Recruiting Resources
A collection of free articles, e-books, datasheets, tools, templates, videos, and webinars covering a variety of recruitment topics.
National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
Health Center Workforce: Recruitment and Retention Toolkit
A free downloadable toolkit designed to help health centers market themselves as part of a wider, national movement in order to recruit and retain talented, mission-driven people.
Smart Recruiter
Recruiting Resources
A large collection of free resources, including articles, toolkits, e-books, and webinars to assist with all aspects of the recruitment process.
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Recruiting Internally and Externally
A guide discussing recruitment fundamentals, legal issues, internal and external recruiting, templates and tools, and much more.
Solutions, Training, and Assistance for Recruitment and Retention (STAR2) Center
Template Benefits Package for Recruitment
A free tool to help health centers communicate the terms, compensation, and benefits of employees to prospective employees and new hires.
Recruiting Email Templates
Access to free email templates for job interviews, job offers, rejections, and more.
The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.Phil Jackson