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Region VIII State Primary Care Associations (SPCAs)
Region VIII State Primary Care Offices (PCOs)
Other Region VIII State Resources
National Recruitment & Retention Links
Resources for Students
Resources for Veterans
Education Health Center Resources


Colorado Community Health Network (CCHN)

Montana Primary Care Association (MPCA)

Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas (CHAD)

Association for Utah Community Health (AUCH)

Wyoming Primary Care Association (WYPCA)


Colorado Dept. of Public Health & Environment, Primary Care Office

Montana Dept. of Public Health & Human Services, Primary Care Office

North Dakota Dept. of Health, Primary Care Office

South Dakota Office of Rural Health, Primary Care Office

Utah Dept. of Health, Office of Primary Care & Rural Health

Wyoming Dept. of Health, Office of Rural Health, Primary Care Office


Colorado Rural Health Center

Colorado Rural Health Center Provider Recruitment 

Montana Office of Rural Health

North Dakota – University of North Dakota Center for Rural Health

South Dakota Office of Rural Health

Utah Office of Primary Care and Rural Health

Wyoming Health Resource Network, Inc.

Wyoming Office of Rural Health


Area Health Education Centers (AHECs)
Academic and community partnerships that train health care providers in sites and programs that are responsive to State and local needs
National AHEC Organization (NAO)

Association of Staff Physician Recruiters
In-House Recruiter member assistance, Job bank, and resource bank
Not for Profit Professional Consortium

Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW)
HRSA Bureau supporting scholarship and loan repayment programs, shortage designations, health professions training grants, health workforce analysis, graduate medical education, and the national practitioner data bank.
BHW Website

Job Description Writer to build meaningful job descriptions. CareerOneStop is sponsored by the US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.
Job Description Writer

A physician recruitment resource dedicated to meeting the needs of community health centers
Bringing Physicians to Your Neighborhood

Health Leaders Media
Article on effective ways to recruit physicians
How to Recruit and Retain Advanced Practitioners

Medical Group Management Association (MGMA)
Career advancement resources.
MGMA Career Pathways

Migrant Clinicians Network
Self-Assessment and review tool supporting on-going recruitment and retention of qualified clinical staff at CHCs
Health Center Self-Assessment (15-Item)

National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
Toolkit developed to help CHCs support their existing clinical workforce and attain, groom, and retain compassionate healers who provide excellent clinical care and feel professionally at home in a CHC
Clinical Recruitment and Retention Toolkit

National Health Service Corps (NHSC)
2010 CHAMPS/NWRPCA Annual Conference presentation slides
NHSC – A Vital Workforce: Maximizing Efforts to Improve the Health of the Nation’s Underserved, Erica Pearson and Maria de los Angeles Garcia

National Network for Oral Health Access (NNOHA)
Resources aimed at helping health centers build a strong, high-quality dental workforce including a dental job bank, employer compensation analysis tool, links to state dental associations and practice acts, and more
Workforce Recruitment and Retention Resources

National Rural Recruitment & Retention Network (3R Net)
Medical and healthcare jobs across the nation

Public Health Foundation (PHF)
Document detailing a set of skills desirable for the broad practice of public health, reflecting characteristics staff of public health organizations may want to possess as they work to protect and promote health in the community. They are designed to serve as a starting point for academic and practice organizations to understand, assess, and meet their training and workforce needs.
Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals

Rural Assistance Center
Information guide focusing on the rural aspects of health professions topics
Health Care Workforce

Stanford Social Innovation Review
Workforce Article
Nonprofits Must Invest in Human Capital

STAR2 Center
National Cooperative Agreement offering resources, training, and technical assistance on clinician workforce topics
Solutions Training and Assistance for Recruitment & Retention
ACU and STAR2 Center definition for comprehensive workforce plan
STAR2Center-Definition of Comprehensive Workforce Plan

United States Department of Agriculture
Community Development Resources, Health Professional Recruitment and Retention
National Agricultural Library

Performs policy-oriented research on issues related to rural health care
Rural Health Research Center


American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
General Information about becoming a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

American Medical Association
Information and guides about “Becoming an MD” and 77 other healthcare professions

American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
Student-governed, national organization committed to representing the concerns of physicians-in-training

Association of American Medical Colleges
Information, tools, and support helping aspiring physicians understand the process of becoming a doctor

AT Still University – Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health, School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona
Community-health oriented programs, with “hometown” application program to give preference to applicants supported by their communities

Explore Health Careers
Overviews of health careers with requirements, programs, and job outlook, salary ranges, sources for portable financial aid, pre-health enrichment programs, advice on how to succeed in health professions school, current health policy information, articles, and links

Nursing Explorer 
Lists BSN degree programs alphabetically by state with links to the appropriate campus websites to request free information about the schools and their programs

Western Governors University (WGU) Growing from Within Initiative
A partnership between WGU and the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) designed as an educational collaborative to address nursing workforce shortages while meeting the ongoing education and administrative leadership needs for CHCs’ future workforce development; eligible programs include: BS Nursing, BS Health Informatics, MS Nursing-Education, MS Nursing-Leadership and Management, MS Nursing-Education, and MBA Healthcare Management 

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) Student Exchange Programs
These exchange programs provide students within the WICHE system of states with access to reduced levels of tuition at a variety of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. The Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP) specifically targets professional education in ten healthcare fields including dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, and physician assistants.


The Difficult Transition from Military to Civilian Life
Report details the factors that predict an easy or hard re-entry into civilian life.
Pew Research Center

Website to post job postings for veterans and a search tool for veterans seeking employment

Employment Situation of Veterans
News release details employment status of veterans based on veteran status, period of service, sex, race, disability, and ethnicity.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Website with jobs for veterans

National Resource Directory
Organization offers a job bank for veterans and resources for employers and service providers.

Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS)
Resource provides information and tools for employers, service providers, veterans, service members, and families including news updates, testimonies, and events.
Department of Labor