329/330/340 Projects | Clinics funded under Sections 329 (Migrant Health Centers), 330 (Community Health Centers) and 340 (Homeless Health Centers) of the U.S. Public Health Service Act. |
AAAHC | Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (“Triple A H C”, one of three programs offering PCMH recognition or accreditation) |
AACN | American Association of Critical Care Nurses or American Association of Colleges of Nursing |
AACOM | Association of American Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine |
AAEP | American Academy of Emergency Psychiatry |
AAFP | American Academy of Family Physicians |
AAMC | Association of American Medical Colleges |
AANP | American Academy of Nurse Practitioners |
AAP | American Academy of Pediatrics |
AAPA | American Academy of Physician Assistants |
AAPCHO | Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations |
AAPD | American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry |
ACEP | American College of Emergency Physicians |
ACF | Administration for Children and Families (HHS) |
ACL | Administration for Community Living (HHS) |
ACHI | Association for Community Health Improvement |
ACO | Accountable Care Organization – An umbrella organization that combines primary care physicians, specialists, and hospitals in an attempt to coordinate care and reduce unnecessary costs. |
ACOG | American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists |
Actual Charge | The amount a physician or other practitioner actually bills a patient for a particular medical service or procedure. This may differ from the customary, prevailing and/or reasonable charge as recognized by Medicare and other insurance programs. |
ACU | Association of Clinicians for the Underserved |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act (U.S. Department of Labor); also American Dental Association, American Diabetes Association, American Dietetic Association. |
AHEC | Area Health Education Center |
AHNA | American Holistic Nurses Association |
AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (HHS) – Conducts and supports research, demonstration projects, evaluations, training, guideline development, and the dissemination of information on health care services and on systems for the delivery of such services. |
AMA | American Medical Association |
AMCHP | Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs |
AMSA | American Medical Student Association |
ANA | American Nurses Association |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AoA | Administration on Aging (HHS) |
AOA | American Osteopathic Association |
APCA | Alaska Primary Care Association – The primary care association representing health centers in the state of Alaska. |
APhA | American Pharmacists Association |
APHA | American Public Health Association |
ARRA | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 |
ASFR | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (HHS) |
ASH | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (HHS) |
ASG | Assistant Surgeon General |
ASHP | American Society of Health-System Pharmacists |
ASL | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislation (HHS), or American Sign Language |
ASPA | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (HHS) |
ASPE | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (HHS) |
ASPR | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (HHS) |
Assignment of Benefits | An agreement in which a patient assigns to another party, usually the provider of the service, the right to receive payment from a third party for the service the patient has received. In Medicare, if a physician agrees to accept assignment, s/he must agree to accept the program payment as payment in full (except for coinsurance, co-payment and deductible amount required of the patient). |
ASTHO | Association of State and Territorial Health Officials |
ATSDR | Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (HHS) |
AUCH | Association for Utah Community Health – The primary care association representing health centers in the state of Utah. |
BCRR | Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Assistance Common Reporting Requirements – A uniform set of tables, data elements and definitions pertaining to the operational, financial and administrative management of the program, which programs were required to complete annually prior to 1996. |
BHW | Bureau of Health Workforce (HRSA) – Strengthens the health workforce and connects skilled health care providers to communities in need. |
BOD | Board of Directors |
BPHC | Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) – Provides national leadership in assessing the Nation’s health care needs of underserved populations and in assisting communities to provide primary health care services and move toward eliminating health disparities. A major program component is the Consolidated Health Center Program. |
BPI | Business Process Improvement |
BPR | Budget Period Renewal |
CA | Cooperative Agreement |
CACHIE | Colorado Associated Community Health Information Exchange |
CAH | Critical Access Hospital |
CAN | Common Accounting Number |
CBHAN | Colorado Behavioral Health Advisory Network – A forum organized by CCHN for Colorado CHC staff engaged in behavioral health integration to improve behavioral health services through collaboration and best practice sharing. CBHAN’s mission is to inform and collaborate with all CCHN sections and its BOD on the status of behavioral health integration and its impact on Colorado CHCs, and to identify strategic priorities. |
CC | Commissioned Corps – The PHS Commissioned Corps is one of the seven uniformed services of the United States. |
CCAN | Colorado Clinical Advisory Network – CCHN’s clinical network, which serves as a section of the Board of Directors. Consists of Medical/Clinical Directors from the 329, 330, and 340 programs in Colorado. |
CCHN | Colorado Community Health Network – The primary care association representing health centers in the state of Colorado. |
CCMCN | Colorado Community Managed Care Network – The organization consisting of and representing the C/MHC partners in the Medicaid HMO called Colorado Access. |
CD | Capital Development |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Responsible for disease prevention and control, environmental health, health education, and many other activities. |
CDHN | Colorado Dental Health Network – CCHN’s dental network, which serves as a section of the Board of Directors. Consists of Dental Directors, and other dental staff, from Colorado’s 329, 330, or 340 projects, and other organizations that provide dental services to the underserved population. |
CEHRT | Certified Electronic Health Record Technology – As certified by the ONC. |
CEU | Continuing Education Unit |
CFBNP | Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (HHS) |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CHAD | Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas – The primary care association representing health centers in the states of North Dakota and South Dakota. |
CHAMPS | Community Health Association of Mountain/Plains States – The Region VIII Primary Care Association representing health centers in the states of Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. |
CHAMPS | Community Health Center and Academic Medical Partnerships |
CHC | Community Health Center – A community-based health care facility that provides prevention-oriented primary care services in medically underserved areas. Grant support is received from the federal government under Section 330 of the U.S. Public Health Service Act (sometimes these centers are referred to as “330s”). |
CHIP | Children’s Health Insurance Program |
CHPFS | Community Health Partners for Sustainability |
CIHS | Center for Integrated Health Solutions (SAMHSA/HRSA) |
CIO | Chief Information Officer |
CIP | Capital Improvement Project |
CIS | Change in Scope |
CLIA | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment |
Clinical Measures Workbook | A federally-developed document delineating mandated (primarily health promotion and disease prevention) services to be delivered to groups of individuals, as defined by Lifecycles. CHAMPS has a copy available in its Resource Library for members to borrow. |
Clinical Network | Network of clinicians working in community, homeless and migrant health centers, often affiliated with a state, regional and/or national association. |
CME | Continuing Medical Education |
C/MHCs | Community and Migrant Health Centers |
CMHC | Community Mental Health Center |
CMS | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, previously called Health Care Financing Administration (HHS) |
CNM | Certified Nurse Midwife |
COB | Close of Business |
CODAN | Colorado Operations Directors Advisory Network – A peer network organized by CCHN whose mission is to support Colorado CHCs’ health care operations through education, training, and networking opportunities and to act as an advocate for operational issues to the CCHN BOD. |
Co-insurance | Under a health insurance policy, a cost-sharing requirement which provides that the insured will assume a portion or percentage of the costs of covered services. The health insurance policy provides that the insurer will reimburse a specified percentage (usually 80%) of all, or certain specified covered medical expenses in excess of any deductible amounts payable by the insured. The insured is then liable for the remaining percentage of the costs, until the maximum amount payable under the insurance policy, if any, is reached. |
Colorado Access | The Colorado HMO consisting of several C/MHCs (represented by CCMCN), Denver Health and Hospitals, University Hospital, and The Childrens’ Hospital, as well as many local hospitals and specialty providers in Colorado. |
Compliance Manual | The Health Center Program Compliance Manual; a HRSA/BPHC resource to assist health centers in understanding and demonstrating compliance with Health Center Program and Federal Torts Claims Act (FTCA) program requirements. |
Co-payment | A term describing patient financial responsibility under a plan wherein the insured pays a specified flat amount per unit of service, e.g., $2/visit, with the insurer paying the balance of the approved cost. The co-payment is incurred at the time the service is rendered. The amount paid does not vary with the cost of the service (usually does vary with the type of service), unlike coinsurance which is based upon a percentage of the cost. |
COPC | Community Oriented Primary Care – A combined primary care and public health approach to identifying and meeting the health needs of a community. |
Reimbursement | A method of payment, different from fee-for-service, delivered to patients. In cost-related reimbursement systems, the amount of the payment is based on the cost to the provider of delivering the service. The actual payment may be based on any of several different formulae, such as full cost, full cost plus an additional percentage, allowable costs, or a fraction of costs. Examples of cost-based reimbursement systems include the Rural Health Clinics Act (RHCA), the Federally Funded Health Center Act (FFHC), and the Federally Qualified Health Center Act (FQHC). |
CPAB | Clinical and Professional Activities Branch |
CPE | Continuing Professional Education |
CQI | Continuous Quality Improvement – A methodology, which, when properly implemented, insures a constant elevation in the level of services being provided. |
CQM | Clinical Quality Measures – A component of the CMS EHR Incentive Program (Meaningful Use), includes tools to measure or quantify healthcare processes, outcomes, patient perceptions, and organizational structure and/or systems associated with providing high-quality health care and/or related to one or more quality goals for health care. |
CSD | Central Southeast Division (BPHC) |
CY | Calendar Year |
DAB | Department Appeals Board (HHS) |
DDS | Doctor of Dental Surgery |
Deductible | The expense that an insured party must incur before an insurer will assume any liability for all or part of the remaining cost of covered services. |
DFI | Division of Financial Integrity (HRSA) |
DGMO | Division of Grants Management Operations (HRSA) |
DHHS | Department of Health and Human Services – DHHS is a cabinet level department, responsible for ACF, AHQR, AoA, ASTDR, CDC, CMS, FDA, HRSA, IHS, NIH, PSC, and SAMHSA. |
DMD | Doctor of Dental Medicine (Dentariae Medicinae Doctor) |
DO | Doctor of Osteopathy |
DrPH | Doctor of Public Health |
DSLR | Division of Scholarships and Loan Repayment – DSLR is responsible for the administrative aspects of the NHSC Scholarship Program and Loan Repayment Program. |
EDA | Early Decision Alternative – A scholarship obligor matching before the EDA deadline has the freedom to choose from any available HPOL site. |
EDR | CCHN’s Executive Director Roundtable |
EEO/EOE | Equal Employment Opportunity/Equal Opportunity Employer |
EEOC | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
EHB | Electronic Handbook – HRSA’s web portal for submitting grant-related information and reports. |
EHC | Education Health Center |
EHR | Electronic Health Records – A systematic collection of electronic health information about an individual patient. |
EMC | Expanded Medical Capacity – A category of HRSA grants which may be awarded through the Consolidated Health Center Program. |
EMR | Electronic Medical Records (System); see also EHR |
Encounter | A contact between a patient and a health care provider (face-to-face). |
EPSDT | Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration (HHS) – Oversees the safety and inspection of foods, drugs, medical devices and cosmetics. |
FFR | Federal Financial Report |
FIP | Facility Investment Program awards |
FJ | Farmworker Justice |
FLEX | Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Grant Program |
FLRP | Faculty Loan Repayment Program |
FLSA | Fair Labor Standards Act (U.S. Department of Labor) |
FMLA | Family Medical Leave Act (U.S. Department of Labor) |
FNP | Family Nurse Practitioner |
FO | Field Office – The federal office, located in one of ten regions in the country, having primary responsibility for National Health Service Corps assignees, community health centers, migrant health centers, homeless health centers, clinical networks, state primary care associations, regional primary care associations and other grant-funded activities. |
FOA | Funding Opportunity Announcement |
FORHP | Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (HRSA) |
Form 5A | UDS Form 5A (Services) |
Form 5B | UDS Form 5B (Sites) |
Form 5C | UDS Form 5C (Other Activities) |
FP | Family Planning or Family Physician |
FPL | Federal Poverty Level |
FQHC | Federally-Qualified Health Centers – Those centers that receive cost-based reimbursement for services delivered to patients who qualify for Medicaid or for Medicare. In order to qualify, a clinic must receive federal funds or meet other criteria. |
FQHC LA | Federally-Qualified Health Center Look-Alike; see also LAL |
FRP | Financial Recovery Plan |
FSR | Financial Status Report |
FTCA | Federal Tort Claims Act – The provision in law under which federal employees (or other named parties) receive their professional liability coverage from the US government; available to NHSC providers, and providers who work in 329, 330, and 340 programs. |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent |
FY | Fiscal Year |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles |
GME | Graduate Medical Education |
GMO | Grants Management Officer |
GMS | Grants Management Specialist |
GSA | General Services Administration – This is essentially the procurement agency for the government. Anything you want purchased must be approved by this agency first. |
HAB | HIV/AIDS Bureau (HRSA) – Administers the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program for people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS who do not have sufficient health care coverage or financial resources for coping with the disease. |
HC | Health Center; see also CHC and FQHC |
HCCN | Health Center Controlled Networks – HCCNs improve operational effectiveness and clinical quality in health centers by providing management, financial, technology and clinical support services. The networks are controlled by and operate on behalf of HRSA-supported health centers. Each network comprises at least three collaborating organizations. |
HCH | Healthcare for the Homeless/Homeless Health Center – A health care entity that provides care to the homeless, funded under Section 340 of the US Public Health Service Act. (Sometimes referred to as “340s”.) |
HCQR | Health Center Quarterly Report (ARRA) |
HDC | Health Disparities Collaboratives |
Health Care Plans | Written plans, developed by clinicians, which respond to the health promotion/disease prevention needs (Clinical Outcome Measures) of the Lifecycles. |
HHS | (U.S. Department of) Health and Human Services; see also DHHS |
HIE | Health Information Exchange – HIE is defined as the mobilization of healthcare information electronically across organizations within a region, community or healthcare system. HIE provides the capability to electronically move clinical information among disparate health care information systems while maintaining the meaning of the information being exchanged. The goal of HIE is to facilitate access to and retrieval of clinical data to provide safer, more timely, efficient, effective, equitable, patient-centered care. |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HIT | Health Information Technology |
HMO | Health Maintenance Organization |
HOP | Health Outreach Partners |
HP/DP | Health promotion/disease prevention (referred to as “hip-dip”). |
HPOL | HPSA Placement Opportunity List – A prioritized list of Health Professional Shortage Area sites eligible for NHSC assistance to insure the equitable distribution of NHSC providers to needy areas. |
HPSA | Health Professional Shortage Area – A region of the country, or a defined population group; where, through the utilization of specific criteria, a deficiency of medical, dental, and/or mental health services has been identified; graded on four levels: I, II, III, and IV. |
HRAN | Human Resources Advisory Network – A forum of Human Resources professionals at Colorado CHCs organized by CCHN to network, share common challenges, exchange best practices, improve policies and processes, and recognize HR departments as vital strategic partners in the leadership of CHCs. |
HRSA | Health Resources and Services Administration (HHS) –The primary federal agency for improving health care to people who are geographically isolated, economically or medically vulnerable. |
HSB | Healthcare Systems Bureau (HRSA) –Protects the public health and improves the health of individuals through programs providing national leadership and direction in targeted areas including organ donation/transplantation, cell transplantation, poison control, 340B drug pricing, injury compensation, and Hansen’s disease (leprosy). |
HTN | Healthcare Technology Network – Organized by CCHN; promotes networking and best practice sharing among Colorado CHCs’ IT Directors and provides guidance for CACHIE projects. |
HVA | Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (Tool) |
HWC | Health Workforce Connector – Online job bank operated by HRSA to connect NHSC and NURSE Corps scholarship and loan repayment recipients with careers in HPSAs. |
IDS | Integrated Delivery Systems |
IDS | Increased Demand for Services – A category of HRSA ARRA grants which may be awarded through the Consolidated Health Center Program |
IFCHC | International Federation of Community Health Centres |
IHI | Institute for Healthcare Improvement |
IHS | Indian Health Service (HHS) – Responsible for the health care needs of Native Americans and Alaska Natives, which includes maintaining clinics and hospitals, improving sanitation and water supply systems, sponsoring disease prevention programs, and performing clinical research. |
IOS | Immediate Office of the Secretary (HHS) |
IPCA | Idaho Primary Care Association – the primary care association representing health centers in the state of Idaho. |
ISDI | Integrated Service Delivery Initiative |
Joint Commission/ JCAHO | Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Hospitals and healthcare facilities must be accredited by this organization every two years in order to be eligible for federal funding programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and other insurance programs (one of three programs offering PCMH recognition or accreditation). |
LAL | (Health Center Program) Look-Alike Health Center – Clinics that operate and provide services consistent with Health Center Program requirements. Look-alikes do not receive Health Center Program funding, but are eligible to apply to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for reimbursement under FQHC Medicare and Medicaid payment methodologies, purchase discounted drugs through the 340B Federal Drug Pricing Program, receive automatic Health Professional Shortage Area designation, and may access National Health Service Corps providers. |
LEP | Limited English Proficiency |
Lifecycles | A concept dividing the population into the following groups: perinatal, pediatric, adolescent, adult, geriatric and special populations (e.g., HIV+, Native Americans, Homeless). Health Care Plans are developed in response to the needs of these groups. |
LRPB | Loan Repayment Programs Branch – One of three branches of the Division of Scholarships and Loan Repayments. |
MAI | Management Assessment Item |
MAPPS | Media, Access, Point of Purchase/Promotion, Pricing, and Social Support and Services |
MAT | Medication Assisted Treatment |
MCHB | Maternal and Child Health Bureau (HRSA) – Provides national leadership, in partnership with key stakeholders, to improve the physical and mental health, safety and well-being of the maternal and child health (MCH) population. |
M/CHCs | Migrant and Community Health Centers |
MCN | Migrant Clinicians Network |
MCO | Managed Care Organization |
MD | Doctor of Medicine |
Medicaid | A federal/state funded program (also known as medical assistance), operated by the state, which provides medical benefits for certain low-income persons. |
Medicare | A nationwide health insurance program for people over 65, and for persons eligible for social security disability payments. |
MGMA | Medical Group Management Association |
MHA | Master of Health Administration |
MHC | Migrant Health Center – A health-care facility that provides prevention-oriented primary care services to migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families; funded under Section 329 of the US Public Health Service Act (sometimes referred to as “329s”). |
MHP | Migrant Health Promotion |
MIS | Management Information System |
MLP | Medical-Legal Partnership |
MOA/MOU | Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding |
MPCA | Montana Primary Care Association – The primary care association representing health centers in the state of Montana. |
MPCN | Mountain/Plains Clinical Network – The association of Region VIII clinicians working in CHCs in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. MPCN is a program of the regional primary care association, CHAMPS. |
MSAW | Migratory and Seasonal Agricultural Worker |
MSO | Management Services Organization |
MU | Meaningful Use – Refers to Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs, administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), in which eligible healthcare providers and hospitals have the opportunity to receive significant incentive payments for adoption and meaningful use of certified EHRs. |
MUA | Medically Underserved Area – A geographic location that has insufficient health care resources to meet the needs of the population. |
MUP | Medically Underserved Population – A group of individuals having insufficient health resources available to them to meet their needs (the population may or may not be located within an MUA). |
MYA | Mid-Year Assessment |
NACHC | National Association of Community Health Centers – The national association that represents community, migrant and homeless health centers. |
NACCHO | National Association of City and County Health Officers |
NAM | North American Management |
NAP | New Access Point – A category of HRSA grants which may be awarded through the Consolidated Health Center Program. |
NASBHC | National Assembly on School-Based Health Care |
NASW | National Association of Social Work |
NCD | National Central Division (BPHC) |
NCFH | National Center for Farmworker Health |
NCH | National Coalition for the Homeless |
NCHS | National Center for Health Statistics |
NCI | National Cancer Institute |
NCQA | National Committee for Quality Assurance (one of three programs offering PCMH recognition or accreditation) |
NDA | Notice of Deeming Action (with FTCA) |
NED | Northeast Division (BPHC) |
NELRP | Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program |
NGA | Notice of Grant Award or National Governors’ Association |
NHAS | National HIV/AIDS Strategy |
NHCHC | National Health Care for the Homeless Council |
NHDP | National Hansen’s Disease Program (BPHC) |
NHSC | National Health Service Corps – A federal program offering scholarships and loan repayment to clinical providers, and technical assistance to communities; their mission is to assist in the development, recruitment and retention of community-responsive, culturally competent primary care providers in order to serve people in health professional shortage areas (HPSAs). |
NHSC LRP | National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program |
NHSC SP | National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program |
NIA | National Institute on Aging |
NIH | National Institutes of Health (HHS) – Conducts health-related research both directly and through the provision of grants to other organizations. |
NIOSH | National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health |
NLM | National Library of Medicine |
NMWC | National Migrant Workers Council |
NNOHA | National Network for Oral Health Access |
NOA | Notice of Award |
NOFOA | Notice of Funding Opportunity Announcement |
NOSORH | National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health |
NP | Nurse Practitioner |
NPDB | National Practitioner Data Bank |
NPRM | Notice of Proposed Rulemaking |
NRHA | National Rural Health Association |
NTTAP | National Training and Technical Assistance Partner – HRSA establishes NTTAP Cooperative Agreements with organizations to provide national T/TA to potential and existing section 330 funded health centers. |
NWRPCA | Northwest Regional Primary Care Association – The Region X Primary Care Association representing health centers in the states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. |
OAA | Office of the Associate Administrator (BPHC) |
OAFM | Office of Administration and Financial Management |
OAM | Office of Administrative Management (BPHC) |
OASH | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (HHS) |
OC | Office of Communications |
OCR | Office for Civil Rights (HHS) |
OTCO | Office of the Chief Technology Officer (HHS) |
ODOM | Office of Data and Organizational Management (HRSA) |
O&E | Outreach & Enrollment (for health insurance) |
OEOCR | Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights |
OFAM | Office of Federal Assistance Management |
OGA | Office of Global Affairs (HHS) |
OGC | Office of General Counsel (HHS) |
OGH | Office of Global Health (HRSA) |
OGM | Office of Grants Management |
OHITQ | Office of Health Information Technology and Quality (BPHC) |
OIEA | Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs (HHS) |
OIG | Office of the Inspector General (HHS) |
OIHA | Office of International Health Affairs |
OIT | Office of Information Technology |
OL | Office of Legislation |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OMH | Office of Minority Health |
OMHA | Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (HHS) |
ONAP | Office of National AIDS Policy |
ONC | Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (HHS) |
ONHS | Office of Northern Health Services (BPHC) |
OO | Office of Operations (HRSA) |
OPAE | Office of Planning, Analysis and Evaluation (HRSA) |
OPCA | Oregon Primary Care Association – the primary care association representing health centers in the state of Oregon. |
OPDIV | Operating Division |
OPPD | Office of Policy and Program Development (BPHC) |
OPR | Office of Performance Review |
OQI | Office of Quality Improvement (BPHC) |
ORHP | Office of Rural Health Policy (HRSA) |
ORO | Office of Regional Operations |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (U.S. Department of Labor) |
OSHS | Office of Southern Health Services (BPHC) |
OSPH | Office of Special Population Health (BPHC) |
OSBO | Office of Strategic Business Operations (BPHC) |
OSV | Operational Site Visit |
OTC | Over the Counter |
OTTAC | Office of Training and Technical Assistance Coordination (BPHC) |
OWH | Office of Women’s Health (HRSA) |
PA | Physician Assistant, or Public Affairs |
PAC | Progressive Action Condition |
PACE | Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly |
PAL | Program Assistance Letter |
PAO | Program Approving Official |
PAR | Program Analysis and Recommendation |
PCA | Primary Care Association – A state (SPCA) or regional (RPCA) nonprofit organization, federally funded, representing the interests of its members (primarily community and migrant health centers) and the patients served by its members. |
PCER | Primary Care Effectiveness Review |
PCMH | Patient-Centered Medical Home – A model of primary health care that puts the patient at the center of the model and also includes: access to care; comprehensive care; coordinated care; evidence-based care; payment structures that value primary care; quality care; safe care; systems-based approach to care; and team-based care. |
PCO | Primary Care Office |
PCSA | Primary Care Service Area |
PD | Position Description |
PDSA Cycle | A structured trial of change which includes four phases: plan, do, study, and act; the PDSA cycle will naturally lead to the “plan” component of a subsequent cycle. |
PEERS | Patient Experience Evaluation Report System |
Performance Measures | Clinical and Financial Performance Measures data that each recognized Health Center Program organization must report via the Uniform Data System (UDS) annually, addressing quality of care, health outcomes/disparities, and financial viability/costs. |
PHPC | Public Housing Primary Care |
PHS | (United States) Public Health Service |
PIN | Policy Information Notice |
PMM | Project Management Module (EHB) |
PMS | Payment Management System |
PMS | Practice Management System |
PO | Project Officer |
POP | Principles of Practice – A document completed annually by all federal NHSC assignees, which describes the scope and location of their practices. The POP is negotiated between the assignee and his/her project and provides the basis for the assignee’s federal malpractice (tort) coverage. |
PPA | Private Practice Assignment – A type of NHSC assignment. The PPA professional is employed by, and subject to the personnel system of, the nonprofit private or public entity (the Entity) to which they are assigned. The salary and benefits are paid by the Entity. |
PPACA | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act |
PPO | Private Practice Option – A type of NHSC assignment. The PPO professional conducts full-time private practice in an approved HPSA or Preferred Provider Organization. |
PPS | Prospective Payment System – Through CMS, the methodology and payment rates relating to Medicare Part B; based on a national rate which is adjusted based on the location of where the services are furnished, which is increased when a patient is new to the FQHC, or an Initial Preventive Physical Exam (IPPE) or Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) is furnished. |
PR | Payment Reform |
Project Officer | The federal employee having primary responsibility for a project or group of projects (referred to in some regions as Project Management Consultant). |
Program Requirements | The 18 key requirements a health center is required to meet as a condition of being a recognized Health Center Program organization, within four areas: Need, Services, Management and Finance, and Governance. |
PSC | Program Support Center (HHS) |
PSO | Provider Sponsored Organization |
QA | Quality Assurance – A process used to assure that care being rendered meets individual clinic goals, as well as meeting community standards. |
QI | Quality Improvement – A formal approach to the analysis of performance and systematic efforts to improve it; various methods/models of QI include: total quality management (TQM), continuous quality improvement (CQI), Six Sigma, LEAN, and more; all QI models are aimed at improving performance; in health care, improving performance can result in a reduction of medical errors, morbidity, and mortality, and lead to improved quality of life for patients and communities. |
QM | Quality Management |
Quadruple Aim | The Triple Aim, with the added goal of improving the work life of health care providers. |
RAC | Rural Assistance Center |
REC | Regional Extension Center |
Regional Clinical Consultant | The clinician, within the HRSA Field Office, having primary responsibility for clinical affairs within the Region. |
RHA | Regional Health Administrator – Oversees DHHS activities within his/her region. The United States is divided into 10 regions for the administration of DHHS programs. |
RHC | Rural Health Clinic/Center – A clinic located in a rural area that receives cost-based reimbursement, under Medicaid and Medicare, due to its qualifying under the Rural Health Clinic Act (RHCA). |
RHIO | Regional Health Information Organizations – Organized cross-jurisdictional healthcare data-sharing organizations. |
RHN | Rural Health Network |
RN | Registered Nurse |
3RNet | National Rural Recruitment and Retention Network |
RPC | Regional Program Consultant – A regional/field office employee responsible for a specific program. |
RPCA | Regional Primary Care Association |
R&R | Recruitment and Retention |
RRC | Rural Referral Center |
RSA | Rural Service Area |
RTSC | Recruitment Training and Support Center |
SAC | Service Area Competition |
SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (HHS) – Has both service and educational components dealing with substance abuse and mental health. |
SBHC | School-Based Health Center |
SBIRT | Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment |
SCHIP | State Children’s Health Insurance Program |
Scholar | A person receiving education grants from NHSC in return for a required period of service in a high-scoring HPSA. |
SDC | Strategic Data Committee – Serves as a resource for CCHN staff in completing the projects involving strategic data, including the SSP, Environmental Assessment, and projects specified by the Executive Committee, and also provides strategic guidance on CCHN data projects. |
SDOH | Social Determinants of Health or Social Drivers of Health |
SEARCH | Student/Resident Experiences and Rotations in Community Health |
Section 330 | Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act Statute |
SE | Service Expansion |
SG | Surgeon General of the United States |
SLRP | State Loan Repayment Program |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SORH | State Offices of Rural Health |
SPCA | State Primary Care Association |
SUD | Substance Use Disorder |
SWC | Strategic Workforce Committee – Serves as the strategic advisory committee for all CCHN workforce programs and projects, including the workforce components of Access for All Colorado. |
SWD | Southwest Division (BPHC) |
T/TA | Training and Technical Assistance |
TJC | The Joint Commission; see Joint Commission/JCAHO (one of three programs offering PCMH recognition or accreditation) |
THC | Teaching Health Center |
TQM | Total Quality Management |
Triple Aim | Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Triple Aim – A framework that describes an approach to optimizing health system performance in three areas simultaneously: Experience of Care (improving the patient experience of care, including quality and satisfaction), Population Health (improving the health of populations), and Per Capita Cost (reducing the per capita cost of health care). |
UCR | Usual and Customary Rates – Those rates normally charged by health care providers for a service in a given geographical area. |
UDS | Uniform Data System – A uniform set of tables, data elements and definitions pertaining to the operational, financial and administrative management of the program, which programs are required to complete annually. The UDS replaced the BCRR in 1996. |
UPR | Uniform Progress Report |
VHA | Veterans Health Administration |
WACH | Washington Association for Community Health – the primary care association representing health centers in the state of Washington. |
WIC | Women, Infants, and Children Program |
WYPCA | Wyoming Primary Care Association – The primary care association representing health centers in the state of Wyoming. |