CHAMPS has compiled resources for CHCs to better serve veterans, not only as patients, but also as potential candidates for employment. Please contact the CHAMPS Programs Coordinator, Population Health if you have any questions about these materials or would like to share other useful resources.

Please click or scroll down for
Terms, Acronyms, and Ranks
Fact Sheets, Reports, and Statistics
Veterans Choice Act/MISSION Act Information & Resources
Provider Resources
Workforce Resources
State-Specific Organizations
Outreach and Enrollment
Other Online Resources


When working with veterans, it can be useful to be informed about some common military terms and acronyms, as well as the various ranks in each branch of the military.

U.S. Department of Defense
Enlisted and officer insignia and rank lists
The United States Military Rank Insignia

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
List of acronyms
VA PRIDE Acronym List

Handout that provides information about the differences between types of rank and the hierarchy of the ranks
Military Ranks

Rural Assistance Center
Website with terms and acronyms
Veterans and Returning Soldiers Terms and Acronyms


Bureau of Labor Statistics
News release that details employment status of veterans based on veteran status, period of service, sex, race, disability, and ethnicity
Employment Situation of Veterans

Health Center Resource Clearinghouse
A two-page fact sheet and comprehensive toolkit designed to orient FQHC Administrators to the enrollment requirements and program benefits of the Community Care Network.
Serving Veterans in Health Centers

Ten success stories from around the country about how health centers are successfully supporting the unique needs of local military veterans, including care coordination, oral health, outreach, and more.
Serving Veterans in Health Centers: A Compendium of Success Stories

National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership
Issue brief that discusses how medical-legal partnerships (MLPs) are poised to help address the unmet legal needs of veterans by integrating civil legal aid services into existing health care services for veterans
The Invisible Battlefield: Veterans Facing Health-Harming Legal Needs in Civilian Life

Pew Research Center
Report that details the factors that predict an easy or hard re-entry into civilian life
The Difficult Transition from Military to Civilian Life

RAND Corporation
Report on caregivers who support injured or wounded service members
Hidden Heroes: America’s Military Caregivers

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Fact sheets on benefits, health care, memorials, general statistics, and state summaries
Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Data from the PIT, one of the ways the VA estimates the homeless population nationwide to help direct resources based on need
Veterans Experiencing Homelessness: Point-in-Time (PIT) Count

Fact sheets on general benefits, veterans with service-connected disabilities, veterans with limited income, education and training for veterans, home loans, dependent and survivors’ benefits, burial benefits, insurance, fiduciary, and more
Veterans Benefits Administration


The Veterans Choice Program began in 2014 as a result of the Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014, also known as the Veterans Choice Act, which was signed into law August 7, 2014. It was intended to improve access to care for veterans from community care providers. A summary, the text of, and more information about the Veterans Choice Act, H.R. 3230, can be found here. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks (MISSION) Act of 2018 was signed into law on June 6, 2018. Among other provisions, it established a new permanent Veterans Community Care Program (VCCP), replacing the Veterans Choice Program (VCP). Due to the significant complexity associated with health care delivery, the large size of the VA health care system, along with VA’s network of more than half a million community providers, adequate time and consideration is required to properly develop the required regulations and necessary system changes and training for successfully implementing the consolidated community care program. A summary, the text of, and more information about the VA MISSION Act, S. 2372, can be found here.

Congressional Research Service
In-depth explanation of the Veteran’s Choice Program and the implications of the MISSION Act on its implementation
The Veterans Choice Program (VCP): Program Implementation (updated September 2018)

Overview of the changes made to the VA MISSION Act, including establishing a permanent Veterans Community Care Program (VCCP) and provisions to help recruit and retain healthcare providers. Discusses provisions specific to healthcare access for veterans in rural and underserved areas
VA Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act of 2018 (VA MISSION Act; P.L. 115-182)

National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
Two-page fact sheet explaining how health centers can become an approved provider by the U.S. Veterans Health Administration. This is a January 2019 Update to a previous NACHC Fact Sheet
Providing Care for Veterans in Community Health Centers
(Hosted on the NACHC learning management system [LMS] – sign up or sign in to access the resource.)

Slides from an October 2015 webinar hosted by NACHC, CHAMPS, and NWRPCA addressing health center care for veterans and the Veterans Choice Program (VCP)
Serving America’s Veterans: How Health Centers Can Answer the Call

Archive, presentation, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) from the June 5, 2019 “Veterans Community Care Network” webinar

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Community Care information and overview
Community Care

Map of the VA Community Care Network Regions, which are not the same as HHS Regions
Community Care Network Regions Map

Press Release regarding Third Party Administrator (TPA) for VA Community Care Network Program
VA Awards Contract for Region 4 of Community Care Network to Increase Veteran Access to Health Care

Frequently asked questions about the VA MISSION Act
VA MISSION Act of 2018 FAQs

Fact sheet including overview of the VA MISSION Act, the New Community Care Program, and frequently asked questions (FAQs)
VA MISSION Act and New Veterans Community Care Program

Fact sheet outlining eligibility criteria for Veteran Community Care as of June 6, 2019
Veteran Community Care Eligibility

Information about the Veterans Choice Program (VCP)
Veterans Choice Program Overview
How to Become a VCP Provider Fact Sheet
VA Choice Locator PC3 Provider Map


To find other resources for providers, please visit the CHAMPS Clinical Resources webpage.

AIDS Education and Training Center
Slides on delivering HIV care to veterans
Cultural Competence: Strengthening the Clinician’s Role in Delivering Quality HIV Care within Veteran Communities

Center for Deployment Psychology
Web-based curriculum designed to help health care professionals more effectively work with service members and veterans
Military Culture: Core Competencies for Healthcare Professionals

Health Resources and Services Administration
Website on how health centers can serve veterans and their families
Helping Veterans and Their Families

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Webpage on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) information for researchers, providers, and helpers
PTSD: Professional
PTSD: Consultation Program

Tools to support mental health providers who treat Veterans
Community Provider Toolkit

Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
Web-based curriculum designed to help healthcare professionals provide culturally competent care to their veteran populations
TRAIN Learning Network


To find other workforce resources, please visit the CHAMPS Recruitment and Retention webpage.

American Job Center – Career One Stop
Website that is a single access point for federal programs and resources to help people find a job and identify training programs
American Job Center – Career One Stop

U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Guide to help employers implement best practices for hiring veterans
Employer Guide to Hire Veterans

Article highlighting veteran-focused recruiting practices
3 Strategies for Hiring Veterans in the Next Phase of their Career

Hire Heroes USA
Website that offers job listings, networking opportunities, advice, and other information for veterans
Hire Heroes USA
Website with jobs for veterans

U.S. Department of Labor
Information and tools for employers, service providers, veterans, service members, and families including news updates, testimonies, and events
Veterans Employment and Training Services (VETS)

National Association of Community Health Centers
Video on the benefits to community health centers of hiring veterans
Health Centers: Hiring Our Nation’s Veterans

National Resource Directory
Offers a job bank for veterans and resources for employers and service providers
National Resource Directory

National Veterans’ Training Institute (NVTI)
Website for NVTI, a Denver-based training center for veterans
National Veterans’ Training Institute

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Resources to find, interview, and retain former members of the military
Tips on Hiring Veterans

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Website with career and employment assistance, including job search help, resume building, and more
Careers and Employment


Region VIII State Veterans Affairs Websites
Colorado Division of Veterans Affairs
Montana Veterans Affairs
North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs
South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs
Utah Department of Veterans and Military Affairs

State-Specific Workforce Resources
Connecting Colorado- Veterans Priority of Service

North Dakota:
Job Service North Dakota for Veterans

South Dakota:

South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation – Veterans Priority of Service

Utah Veteran Employment Services
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services for Veterans


To find more general resources on outreach and enrollment, please visit the CHAMPS Outreach & Enrollment webpage.

Community Catalyst
Blog post on how veterans in New Jersey are working as enrollment assisters
Veterans Protected Our Country, Now They’re Promoting Our Health!
Information about veterans and the health insurance marketplace
What Do Military Veterans Need to Know about the Marketplace?


The American Legion
Provides health care information for veterans on its website
Veterans Healthcare

Cohen Veterans Network
A network of providers and clinics which provide mental health care to veterans and their families regardless of insurance or ability to pay
Clinic Locations & Resources

Disabled Veterans National Foundation
Provides direct services to disabled veterans and advances the interests of disabled veterans and their families
Disabled Veterans National Foundation

National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
A list of resources dedicated to assisting health centers with their veteran-focused programs and initiatives
Support Our Veterans

National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership
Practical guide to help assess if your health center needs and/or is ready to pursue a medical-legal partnership in service to Veterans
Toolkit: VA Medical-Legal Partnership Readiness Guide

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Educational resources addressing the behavioral health of service members, veterans, and their families
Service Members, Veterans, and their Families Technical Assistance (SMVF TA) Center

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Resources for Veterans Affairs employees and community partners to take action in preventing veteran suicides
Be There Campaign

This app was created for everyone, including Veterans and Service members, to help manage insomnia.
Insomnia Coach Mobile App

This app was developed to help Veterans, Service members, and others learn how to practice mindfulness. It provides a gradual, self-guided training program designed to help people understand and adopt a simple mindfulness practice.
Mindfulness Coach Mobile App

Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness can reach trained counselors via phone or an online chat 24 hours a day, seven days a week to get information about Veterans Affairs homeless programs, health care, and other local services
National Call Center for Homeless Veterans

Website of the Office of Rural Health (ORH), which works to increase health care options for all rural veterans
Office of Rural Health

Webpage on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) information for veterans, their family, and friends
PTSD: Family & Friends

Website of the Veterans Health Administration
Veterans Health Administration

Veterans Crisis Line
Information on the Veterans Crisis Line (1-800-273-8255, Press 1, or send a text message to 838255) that connects veterans in crisis and their family and friends with supportive responders
Veterans Crisis Line

Veterans Health Council
Organization that aims to improve health care for veterans
Veterans Health Council